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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Jun 21 2017 - 18:19
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On the Importance of Protecting the Knowledge-based Seedling

We are in the middle of our path.

We are in the middle of our path.

We are in the middle of the path. Whatever has been done for knowledge-based economy still needs to be continued to achieve the desired goal. It is concerning that this progress might be stopped in the middle of the way and no is there to complete it. History and experience testify that the most damage to scientific-cultural works is lack of consistency. Everything starts with a massive energy and everyone do their best to start a project. However, due to many reasons, the primary energy decreases after a while and that pace and acceleration in the process reduces. Passing of time also leads to individual and collection neglect. This issue is so important that if we provide a list of cultural-scientific-industrial projects of the country, we can observe that the majority of projects are unfinished and forgotten despite spending a great amount of capital. This forgetting of projects has bureaucratic, cultural and even historical reasons, threatening all projects of the country. On the other hand, this is like a wake-up call for us not to let the knowledge-based seedling rotten or its fruits be collected unripe.

The tree of knowledge will not come to fruition over one night and does not respond to our orders. We are like gardeners who must suffer a lot so that a seedling turns into a tree. For a seedling to grow into a tree, a gardener must take care of his garden and water it on a timely manner, strengthen its soil, prune the weeds, kill the pests and not let the fruits go to waste.

We might not see the results of some of our works today, especially our cultural and scientific actions, which require patience and tolerance. It is not like we can just intent to turn our economy into knowledge-based economy and tomorrow everything is achieved in this regard. According to Molavi, patience is required to turn blood into milk. It takes time for maternal blood to turn into delicious and useful milk that sweetens the taste of their infant. The knowledge-based economy in our country is similar to seedling planted by wise and compassionate gardeners, who have taken care of them and increased their numbers. However, a great amount of time is needed for the seedlings to turn into green and fresh trees with sweet and rich fruits.

There is no doubt in the necessity of establishment and continuity of knowledge-based companies. In addition, strengthening of knowledge-based companies does not require argument and reminder. All senior officials, academics and the youth of our society know very well that we have to pay significant attention to the knowledge-based concept, perpetuate it and not neglect it. The government and parliament have also shifted their attention to this issue, who have applied high-level documents and participation of several ministries and the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs to improve knowledge-based concept in the society. We hope to see the results of these efforts very soon. However, given the fact that the office system of the country is being changed, though partial but inevitable, we are concerned with the fact that the speed and effort of student growth and development will decrease and what we planned to achieve at a specific time will be delayed or neglected. It is only reasonable to separate knowledge-based enhancement from management changes and specifically act according to macro plans of the government and based on high-level document, so that no one is able to harm its continuity by his own taste. Incidentally, now is the right time to prevent any disturbances to the path of knowledge-based.

Fortunately, we are currently living in a world where knowledge-based economy and companies are turning into culture, and this concept has the full support of our Supreme Leader. The fruitful ship of knowledge-based has such a support, which strengthens our heart. Students who are the leaders of this area must be seriously considered. Now is the time to turn the thoughts and concerns of creative and entrepreneurial students from the poisonous environment of occupation to an entrepreneurial and knowledge-based ecosystem. Knowledge-based economy will create the foundations for proper advancing the goals of economy of resistance. Then, we will be able to obtain scientific and technological achievements, and will be sensitive to any delay or decreased pace of advancement. This can be confidently said that knowledge-based is like a sun, which equally shines on all of us. Benefits of knowledge-based economy are equal for all; therefore, the only that is important is to maintain it as far as possible to benefit from its results in the future.


Parviz Karami, advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs 

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 24804


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