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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • May 24 2016 - 19:10
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The Resistive Culture Above All Affairs

The Resistive Culture Above All Affairs

 It seems that the most serious obstacles of resistive economy is the inconsistency exists in financial-official system of the country. There is no way that each section minds its own business and ignores other sections. Particularly, people will consider execution of resistive economy seriously when they see that its concept is flowing in all sections of the realm and all levels make themselves do it. If –God forbidden- they deduce that the resistive economy is stopped at the level of slogan and advertisement and managers behave as they used to before, then people would not only get disappointed of seeking amendments and good changes but also they reduce themselves to this very level of advertisement. Actually, we need mutation to correct directorial structures. World’s realities don’t let us be chaotic and careless economically and socially.

Specially our political and dogmatic situation requires us to appreciate what we have and use our country’s money and facilities as good as possible. Wasting our properties and losing them is now the most unforgivable sin. We should be thankful for every drop of our oil, we should try our best to protect every drop of our aquatic resources; we should prevent even one cent of our income to be wasted; We should put the growth and development train in its right railway and increase its velocity; The world is making progress and no one waits for us to catch. Actually there is a serious and surging competition to make the developing countries get to the progress’s reaches sooner. 30 years ago, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, India and even China weren’t in the position they are now. World’s 30-year-ago pictures are so different from what we see now that it seems that the current world has nothing to do with the world 30 years ago. Everyone is working and increasing their national wealth. Thank to God, we have grown and boomed substantially than 30 years ago. If we want to judge realistic, we should give ourselves a good mark as despite all troubles and pressures we have produced more wealth and built the country up more. But if we want to evaluate ourselves realistic as well, I should say that this progress is good but less. We need more wealth and it is needed to make our economic situation better. We are still dependent on oil and our GDP amount is not desirable yet. All governments have chanted the slogan of getting shrunk for many years and try to assign the affairs to the private sector but the reality is that the private sector is not very strong and can do nothing without the government’s direct support and economic rent. The issue of corruption is important as well. We have been successful in many things but in fighting with corruption we have an unforgivable weakness. Both our revolutionary goals and dogmatic beliefs make us stop corruption and eradicate it as much as possible. Education is one section which needs to be corrected structurally and in content. Some trial and errors have carried out in this section but the fact is that we have serious troubles in education and it cannot be trusted comprehensively. Education should not be taken as graduation and we shouldn’t be happy that a certain number of students are graduated in different majors every year in our educational system. If we don’t care, our educational system may make forces for other countries especially in B.Sc level. We need something more than mere graduation in education so that we entrust the next generation with the country’s responsibilities and affairs with peace of mind. Who doesn’t know that there are severe problems in media and production and import and export and thought generation and science generation and such things? We are a revolutionary and Islamic country and should coordinate everything with revolutionary and Islamic concepts. This coordination is not abstract so that we can rejoice in apparent slogans; No, not at all. Actually we need concrete coordination to be able to redefine all works according to revolutionary and Islamic beliefs. For example, it is obvious that we can’t follow the tourism industry in our country as other countries do. Turkey’s tourism industry is thriving (or at least it was before the recent happenings) but can we go the same way that Turkey has gone through? We surely have to enhance the tourism industry but first we need to provide a anew and local definition of this industry according to Iranian-Islamic beliefs. Sometimes this redefining is a bit complex and needs serious work and action. It should not be dealt with simplistically and just because of veil requirement and moral affairs we shouldn’t think that the problem has been solved.

No, it is not solved. We should arrange meetings and find solutions with the aid of real experts and experienced managers to remove the obstacles and problems of the tourism’s industry. I gave the example of tourism and if we look around more precisely we will see that many industries need the revolutionary and Islamic redefinition. The issue of university Islamication may be deduced that can be solved by paying attention to the appearance. But it is not that easy and needs serious actions and study so that we can advance the country comprehensively from its results and meanwhile be loyal to our goals and beliefs. I mean that if other countries need work and effort to grow and develop, we need double effort. We have to do normal actions as well as our separate actions. One of these separated actions is “resistance”. All countries need conservation and optimal use of facilities and strictness in import and preventing dependency but because of its political and revolutionary situation and since it has messed with the hegemonic system and wants to fight with it, our country needs more conservation and less dependency and more optimal use of facilities. There is no way that you think about fighting with Imperialism but be the biggest luxury importer in the region in practice. There is no way that you think about economic conservation but be unable to tackle the corruption. There is no way that you chant the economic dependency slogan but import what you need from China and Turkey and Malaysia and Brazil and Europe and ignore the Iranian products. Our production situation is not well and factories has lost their blossom. The less blossom production be, the more booming the import market will become. Because of this, the concept of investing has combined with middlemanship more than with production in our country, unfortunately. So if we want to organize the resistive economy, we should ascertain our definition of capital and capitalism and don’t let the middlemen’s market grow. I should add something else to things I have said. In addition to special political-dogmatic situation, we have a top geographical position, too. We suffer from dessert expansion and water shortage is an important danger threatening us. The issue of energy is very important in this geography and that’s why I say a coordinated system must make decision for the affairs. In fact, a country with energy problems shouldn’t be fearless in energy consumption. Let me give you an example. There are tall buildings whose facades are glass. It is wise and optimal to use glass in our towers in a city that has the sun and earthquake is a serious danger in it? Look at the sad story of heating and cooling, We use heaters and chillers more than any country that has similar weather. Even now that’s it is middle of spring, majority of coolers have been started and waste the energy. Does this amount of welfare have any proportionality with resistance?

The resistive economy cannot reveal its power as long as it doesn’t turn to a pervasive and comprehensive issue. Resistance and contentment and conservation should be started from families, it must be followed in schools and it has to become a principle in all units. Children should understand that the country’s properties haven’t come from nowhere and they are not allowed to waste it. The resistive economy should be considered even in little issues so that it can show itself in massive issues. Our fuel consumption is high as we use the personal car a lot. In no advanced country personal vehicle is used as much as we do as using public transportation and walking haven’t turned to a culture in our country. If we calculate this irregular fuel consumption precisely we understand that it is nothing but loss. There are too many cars that not only contaminate the environment but also cause many diseases and spread laziness within the society like a dangerous virus. Why we should face obesity in the resistive society? Obesity means laziness and overeating that both mean: We use food resources irregularly and our life is incorporated with inertia and sluggishness.

I mean that the resistive economy is a culture that must flow in all levels. This permeation is not possible by bylaw and order. It needs culture-making and a fundamental and professional work. We should learn from the past and repeat our successful experiences by considering the time requirements. Once, war was just for soldiers of south and west of the countries and urban citizens had forgotten that they were living in a country at war. But Imam’s counsel and officials’ coordination and media’s companionship caused the war to be considered as an important issue above all affairs. From school students to director-generals understood completely that the war is serious and they should have a share in it. Everyone according to themselves became volunteer to carry out a responsibility in defending the realm and the revolution. A rural old woman would give her eggs to soldiers and a housewife would out her bracelets in public helps bag. Even school children would send their small piggy banks to battlefields for soldiers. One gave his life, one his property, one his son, one his car, one all of his life….. This experience created victory and proud. Now, the resistive economy must turn to a pervasive issue so that every person of the nation does their duty but first it is needed that massive managers depict a pervasive road map for the resistive economy’s culture and remind themselves and the nation that the resistive economy is above all affairs today.

*Parviz Karami


Secretary of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter

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  • News code : 18117


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