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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Sep 26 2016 - 19:40
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On the Historical Juncture In Which We Are

The Knowledge-Based Light Has Been Turned On

The Knowledge-Based Light Has Been Turned On

One of the serious concerns of the Superior leader of Islamic Revolution is that the scientific growth doesn’t slow down in the country and its energy, motivation and acceleration doesn’t get taken.

According to what we have witnessed with our eyes and what international fair spectators have said, science generation has boomed in recent years and scientific young people with their committed teachers have tried to reduce our gap with the developed world with an admirable velocity and acceleration. Although western societies may have many flaws- and they indeed have, their amazing progress in generating science and technology can’t be denied. They have also been founder in some fields. Their very scientific and technologic progress has caused us not to see their serious defects and always look up to them. This look-up has been sometimes accompanies with an extreme intensity that the viewer’s self-esteem was destroyed. Since Qajar dynasty on, if you read itineraries, you will see that we have discounted ourselves before them, counted them higher than ourselves and accepted this wrong term that they are the first world and we are the third world as a basic issue. Technology has had such a greatness for us that caused us to believe them and lose faith on ourselves.

The most important words of social amenders and cultural resurrectors of the east over the last 100 years was that we shouldn’t lose ourselves against the west and think that reaching scientific peaks and progress is impossible. Just look at the Allama Iqbal’s poems and thoughts as the pioneer of amenders and resurrectors to see that his concern was very right and real and serious. The most important thing that Iqbal teaches us – one century ago- is that east countries’ Muslims must believe in themselves and don’t believe in west: “Become believer in yourself and pagan of beauty”. As Iqbal, other amenders have reminded the same thing that don’t ask strangers for what we have ourselves and don’t get defeated by western science and civilization, especially by reminding our transcendental history and by noting that the east has a considerable share on science, we should rely on ourselves and with “self-esteem”  we should try to lessen our scientific and technologic distance with the west. Actually in one term, development means that we make progress in our business and reach a position that we deserve it politically and historically. The most important effect that the Islamic revolution has made on Muslim people’s mental beliefs was that firstly west is not that flawless and undefeatable as it shows and secondly if the Muslim countries want, they can obtain a power that save them from this misery and raise their rank and position. The amazing experience of the Islamic revolution was accompanied with Muslim’s self-esteem and broke the glory and greatness of the hegemonic system. Concepts like Jihad and martyrdom were resurrected through Islamic revolution and new flaunt of Islam world was demonstrated. Before the Islamic revolution, the Islam world was equal to the third world and wretch lands who could do nothing without their foreign counselors and gave all of their mines and saviors to the hegemonic system. These are not stories and I don’t say political stories to exaggerate the pervasive effects of the Islamic revolution.

Readout the powerful presence of colonialists in India and Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Africa and … to see how Islamic revolution changed the balance of power and brought Muslims back to themselves. We return to ourselves in Iran as well and tried comprehensively to climb the progress stairs and introduce the Islamic Republic as a pattern for world’s oppressed people and as a successful experience. Getting powerful economically and politically is not enough for this issue, We should lessen our distance to America and Europe in science and technology as well and become world scientific experiences partner in science generation. This is easier said than done. It needs serious infrastructures and more importantly, many of our public beliefs should be changed. Grandees have said valuable notes on this issue and have said that we can’t become pioneer in this field unless the rank of science and the world get changed in our view. Being science follower is not equal with science generation. We should return to the very gold age that is referred to as the gold era of wisdom in Islamic civilization. We shouldn’t be simple-minded here. By slogans and advertisement we can’t expect our scientific society to create Avecenna and Razi and Jabir ibn Hayyan. These are the results of many other happenings that end in science blossom chainly. More importantly, we should change inside and in our public beliefs.

We should determine our relation with the science and the world. Obviously, governmental orders and assigning budget and enacting rules are effective but they don’t set up the factory of science and technology generation. However, a movement has emerged during the recent years in universities and scientific groups that created motivation in young generation and flew new blood in the body of the scientific society by the effect of science-friendly teachers and tactful officials and the Superior Leader’s continuous pursuing and strict demand. You can see the effect of this blood in entrepreneurship, academic-scientific growth and alacrity and in bold presence of Iranian in scientific societies. Even international fair spectators have noticed this acceleration and velocity and admired the scientific atmosphere of the country. The most important happening occurred in this field was that the knowledge-based economy was turned on which caused good happenings in this field. It is proper to thank officials in this issue and say that they really tried and increased the scientific growth. But we should also be worried that political-social happenings slow down the scientific growth and again witness the scientists and students migration.

Specially, bitter news on  corruption, job abuse and ignoring the science hinder the scientific growth. So the Supreme Leader’s concern is serious and it is essential to be careful that the infant scientific movement don’t get weakened and stopped. For this we should firstly emphasize on our motivations seriously and remind ourselves permanently that we are in an important historical juncture. In other terms, we are in a historical curve that any little neglecting can lead to a irrecoverable loss. Meanwhile, academic-scientific in charges have a great duty and should be careful that enemies’ guile lead to nowhere and that technological and scientific self-esteem and self-reliance don’t face hopelessness. We should take this concerns seriously and try as hard as we can to grow the science and technology more than ever.


Secretary of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18130


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