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Strengthening Iran is not a slogan but an inevitable necessity

Strengthening Iran is not a slogan but an inevitable necessity

Parviz Karami, advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs;

No patriot, wise, faithful and Iranian-lover person opposes the rational and necessary proposition of “we must be strong”. Not only the wise and believers in the ideals of the revolution and Iran lovers do not oppose the strengthening of Iran, but also each of them makes effort to realize this goal. These people have been martyred on the path of the revolution and the holy defense to safeguard the system. While they traded with God, their pure blood made Iran stronger.

Whatever efforts the Iranians have put into this area over the past hundred years directly and indirectly, they have been carried out to make this geography stronger. The real meaning of ideals and phrases such as free Iran, reclaimed Iran, propitious Iran, an Iranian in which justice is flowing, and its people have good behaviors is not related to any field other than strong Iran.

God Almighty has created the universe and laid the foundation for a tradition in which the nobles - literally, not symbolically, brought to life by changing political, economic - are worthy of endurance and survival and weakly condemned to extinction and extinction. In today’s world, justice is obsolete and tyrants have dominated the world by relying on their financial power. Not only these people have violated humans’ rights, but they have harmed animals, tress and ground and sky. The unsafe world and serious damages to the environment are due to the authoritative presence of the system of domination that clearly control economic, political, cultural and even scientific and academic areas.

These tyrants can be dealt with by those who have the necessary power and do not fear their lives and money.

The fact is that in today’s world, imperialism not only has affected the third world and the Middle East countries, but also has weakened the Europe at any level possible, making them dependent to economy, policy and military. The dependency is so strong that it keeps Asians and Europeans from fighting with the US.

It is not just the Arabic countries that, as Trump puts it, are only beneficial to the United States and respect everything they say. In fact, the Europeans, Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese have acknowledged the power of the United States. Meanwhile, the Islamic republic of Iran has been able to maintain the spirit of idealism in its people and bravely fight tyrants.

Idealism and relying on God’s blessings is one of the components of power. While we have acted weak in some areas due to historical reasons, we have compensated for this weakness by believing in God and depending on the spirit of the martyrs.

We should not be deluded in recognizing our enemy or humiliate them; no. The enemy is powerful and his devious presence has extremely threatened the future of this planet. We have fallen behind the tyrant system in many areas, including economy, science, technology and diplomatic penetration. 

This issue has enabled them to cause us different problems. The actual meaning of sanction means I will not let you breathe until you surrender. However, only the poor surrenders in political and economic occasions of the world and no power has ever surrounded in these areas. To date, our driving force has been the revolutionary ideals and teachings of Imam Khomeini. In the broadest sense of the word, faith has kept us on our feet to stand against oppression. However, we need other elements of authority in addition to faith. Elements that should not be ignored and effective steps must be taken toward their improvement. Nonetheless, I emphasize the power of faith that must not be overlooked. Dealing with economic, political and technological issues must not distance us from strengthening our faith and idealism. We have no choice but to strengthen ourselves in other fields as well.

Without a doubt, having a powerful economy in Iran would lead to the United States’ failure in imposing sanctions against our oil sale. In addition, Iran’s separation from the rest of the world would be possible if our political penetration in the region and the world was strengthened. Evidently, our power in the field of science and technology can change our status in the world, and the US would revise its micro and macro policies.

The fact that we have extraordinarily improved in the fields of nano, bio, aerospace, stem cells and nuclear sciences in the past few years demonstrates that they fear a strong and powerful Iran. Now that they fear us, our religious duty and national responsibility is considering Iran’s power in all areas. Having a stronger Iran is not a slogan or ideal but an inevitable necessity.

Spokesperson and Head of Communication and Information Center

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