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  • Mar 2 2015 - 15:54
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Scientific development depends on the continuity of management, education

Scientific development depends on the continuity of management, education

Parviz Karami

Do you think it is not surprising that we progress in some complex science and technology, but were not ahead of peers, we steel it from main leaders and in simple many sciences and technologies, we are just a consumer? Nanotechnology and Aerospace and Nuclear sciences are complex and subtle, and not anyone can understand them, let alone the facts that make innovation in these areas and explore new fields and have something new to say and make the world surprise and admiration. It is also at the peak of cruel sanctions. But the very "we" that got a position and name in the world, unfortunately in routine and simple issues experiencing laziness and indifference and neglect and we have no choice but to ask for strangers help.

What I am saying is not related to the stages of development, economics or even the constructive interaction with the world I just mean the lack of coordination in the development of scientific and technological development it is not the possible to be jealous of our competitors in "nuclear" and "nano" and "bio" and "Aerospace" but not be able to build the ABS or the airbag of the car "Pride". It is not possible that in field of Nuclear we make the impossible possible but import every simple thing from China, Turkey, Malaysia and Taiwan. The discussion is not only about the technology and science. Within these thirty years we showed that where we had immersive effort we succeed. But wherever we have neglected and have been dispersed, inevitably we did not succeed and there was nothing but slogan. It is not necessary for a nation to be excelled in all areas and have all the arts.

Russians had amazing economic growth in past years and sent a man to the moon and they left behind the West in some technologies, also Russians were obtained no success in the automotive industry but "Lada". It was not just the car industry; they could not coordinate their countrys management system with their scientific and economic development. West itself does not have less of these inconsistencies and many political and economic theorists have warned the West that will soon be faced with crisis. Wall Street economic crisis is largely invisible.

Surely self-sufficiency and progress does not mean that we make everything ourselves and have special progress in everything. Our Geography, culture, politics and society have needs that should not be neglected. Also making people do what they are not capable of do not coincide with intellect and religion. being Aware of the talents and abilities of country and understanding the weaknesses and strengths helps us to not dream about our development and do not mix reality with the fantasy. The reality is that despite all the limitations If we try, we can handle big problems and nanotechnology and nuclear are clear evidences that we have made huge contributions in the field of science and technology. (Our discussion is limited to science and development, otherwise the revolution and eight years of stability and strengthening the defense power, are instances that show real power of Iran and the Iranian people and proof to us and to the world that as Imam Khomeini said, if we wish, we can.)

Key question is why we have succeeded in nanotechnology and nuclear, but in other areas of industry and macro-economic discussions not reached remarkable success? In this number of "Saramad" you will read the report from meeting of the family of wise Deputy for Science and Technology with leader of the Islamic revolution in nanotechnology exhibition. In this meeting there was talking and emphasis about some issues that somewhat answered our serious and key question. In Nanotechnology people and government jointly invested and prevented the administrative and management tastes to affect it. With special attention of senior officials, management stability was not defaced in nanotechnology and with bureaucratic changing and replacing; researchers efforts did not destroyed. Continuity in the management and promotion and research and education is very important and it should not be defaced with flimsy excuses. The Nano as well as nuclear and today the aerospace are under special consideration of the wise leader and senior officials. In this recent visit any observer could notice the fatherly Kindness of the leader to young scientists of Nano. This kindness motivated the family of vice deputy of science and technology of presidential to continue the work with extra effort. Another important point in this regard can be added, is that nanotechnology, nuclear and aerospace was safe from problems of factions and political fights and there was no one making decisions but scientists and pioneers of this science. Of course the real needs and avoiding luxury advertising was also effective. The reality is that until real need is not felt, appropriately and worthy moving will not start. Add to all these, countrys young researchers scientific development who have no choice but to progress. As if young scientist and Iranian students condemned to progress and there is no escape from this path. Khajeh Hafez Shirazis word that "your kindness and grace took the world" is true about the scientific status of the country and if the same thing happens in other areas, do not doubt that will lead to unique success.

For years, the Supreme Leader notified the dependence on oil, and emphasized on knowledge-based economy for multilateral development of the country. But for many reasons this important issue postponed to tomorrows that they have never come. The necessity of this move is beyond doubt, but it will not happen until there is a national sympathy and accompanying. If we want to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development, we have no choice but to put extra energy on the nuclear model, nanotechnology and aerospace in the commercialization of technologies which is indispensable for knowledge-based economy.


Editor of the magazine "Saramad" and chief consultant of the National Elites Foundation

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18085


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