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  • Sep 23 2017 - 15:44
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Entrepreneurship of Research

Research and evaluation are not luxury of a work.

Research and evaluation are not luxury of a work.

We are not allowed to say the statement of: “the time has changed”. With the staggering speed of technology in the world and monstrous penetration of social media in people’s life, we need to say: “yesterday is changed.” The pace of these changes cannot be limited to a generation, decade or period; these changes occur in a second. Therefore, insisting on application of methods of the last year or decade is a tragedy.

Fortunately, we are not left behind the growth of science and technology in the world and we have got on board with this train. However, the place that we are in right now is far from what we have wanted. Our specialized human resource has significantly increased, our economic and social environment is more highlighted and there are essential modifications performed in various parts of the country. Now, research plays the main role in this stage. Everyone has accepted the role of research in the series of advancement and self-efficacy. Growth of knowledge-based companies is promising, and commercialization of ideas has become a culture and entered the life of graduated children. Technological products and services have gradually flourished in the market with the stamp of “made in Iran”. A part of the research relies on the private sector and wants to stand on its own feet. However, the strong body of research still significantly relies on government support, and it seems that it will not be an independent section for a long time.

The truth is that in our general culture, even in the conscious and mind of executive managers, “research” is luxurious and none of our tasks is subjected to research. The fact that the minimum amount of budget is allocated to research, and they even refuse to pay that small amount. The main cause of this problem is that they think it will not solve anything and they cannot understand its necessity and importance. For instance, many programs of IRIB requires research on paper. It is necessary for researchers to sit down and prepare their research before creating a movie or TV program. On paper, it is pretended that the producer cannot create its program until there is no strong research behind it. Nevertheless, we all know that in practice, research is a luxury and people can obtain budget in the name of research and then spend it for themselves. Each organization and institute has a section for research and development on its organizational chart and according to “theoretical discussions”. Foreigners call it R&D and pay special attention to it by huge investments in this area. According to the evidences, the mastermind of each institution is its “R&D”, and it is the section of research and development that causes the success and advancement of an institute. Nevertheless, when we come to the stage, we unwantedly consider research and development unnecessary and luxurious. We recruit researchers and allocate budgets to this section just to avoid any complaints. However, in practice, our executive decisions are not based on the opinions of researchers. The main tragedy is that even researcher centers themselves know that they are not values and they have no other choice but to bargain to receive budgets and take their own share. Half of the energy of research institutes is spent on financial tasks, and they are formed to apply strange strategies to take their share from government, and even private, facilities. In lectures and scientific events, no one denies the necessity of research in words. However in practice, things are complicated, in a way that research centers are regarded as holes. In other words, it seems that no specific task is done in proportion to what has been allocated as the budget of the center. Right now, if you list the scientific, social and cultural research centers in various fields, you see that luxury and formalities are not uncommon. There are many unfinished studies, some of which are so general that cannot solve any problem. On the other hand, some are so detailed and unrelated to the current condition of the country that cannot be used. Over the past few years, students in schools, especially private schools, have been asked to do research, which can be effective if it is serious. The teacher would write a subject on the board, and students would have a week to ten days to search about the topic. However, the main burden of this task is on the shoulders of parents in order to search on the internet and “copy and paste” materials. Very soon, children learn that this is a normal thing to do and is just a formality. The current condition of our research is somehow the same but on a larger scale. It does not mean that our researchers do not know the correct techniques or, God forbids, and shirk their duties. It is fair to say that we have skilled researchers, several of whom are curators of large and significant projects outside of the country. The main problem is organization of the financial system, implementation structure and the condition and outlook of research centers. The majority of our research centers relies on the government budget or is seriously affiliated to universities. In fact, research has turned into a side job in our educational system, and its main duty is taking government projects. Government universities have contracts with the government to take studies and do research. Sometimes, these projects turn into a routine administrative job, and researchers would work similar to the employees of an institute; earning salaries according to working hours. In addition, the curator of projects is not known. Nevertheless, research centers supply these salaries in any way possible. However, when it comes to the actual research task, they are seriously upset about lack of budget. Almost all of those who are somehow involved in this process believe that this system must be modified and research must find its actual position in the country. As a modification method, it has been decided that budgets be allocated not just to the research, but only to defined projects. Cost of a project is calculated from the beginning to the end, and researchers start a work that has a promising end.

In fact, here we need a fundamental change in research and technology structures, and there is no escape from this change in long term. In addition, the scientific condition of the country has been changed, and with regard to the significant increase in human resource of the country, it is necessary to modify the research form and contents. There are new economic needs and development has reached a new stage in the modern world. Moreover, the private sector has more power, compared to the past. The topic of knowledge-based economy has also come to the attention of people and knowledge-based companies of today have emerged on a large scale. Let’s not forget that technology has had significant developments as well. At this moment, there are more than three thousand knowledge-based companies in Iran. Furthermore, the relationship between the government and the private sector has been modified; therefore, research centers and approaches must be changed in order to create a new relationship with the private sector.

The issue of localization of research is also important and must be seriously considered. In fact, instead of being the research officer, the government must step aside and provide the proper foundations for research centers to do their job and earn money. All over the world, research can bring income and gain a considerable wage by providing new findings. Therefore, the most important task is modification of research structure. Those research that can connect the market to the needs of the society will last forever.

Another important note is that we are used to be biased. There are millions of articles in general and specialized journals, as well as the cyberspace and social media on the necessity of research. The majority of these contents are related to researchers themselves. University professors, faculty members, researchers and beneficiaries of this area are talking about the importance of research day and night. Some of the authorities state some facts to calms these people down, and that is it. However, the other side of the problem does not talk much and does not have a suitable reaction to this issue. It seems that they do not hear anything as if nothing has been said. The section of industry and market seems to be only a title in the circle of research concerns, or just something to complain about. There has been rare cases of indicating some aspects of research by owners of industries. The majority of industry owners come from universities. Nevertheless, academic education did not help them that much. I wish there was statistics on those who are working in the industry and are also active in their own educational field. Research comes from the heart of university and those who have attended universities know that what is what. Up to this date, there is a lack of proper association between research and industry and market and there is still a fight over which one is more valuable. In addition, the media has not been able to fully cover the industry and market. The areas of entertainment and advertisement are more important for the media, compared to the dimension of commercialization.

Media is the intermediary between university, research center, workshops and stores. Nevertheless, none of these sections is eager to cooperate with each other. Now might be the time for all them to accept their weaknesses and do not blame others. Only then, we will be able to start a new chapter in this area.


Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs 

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 28676


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