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Instagram Note of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;

Promising opportunities in the world of corona

Promising opportunities in the world of corona


In his latest Instagram post, the vice president for science and technology affairs announced that the corona disease is controlled in the country and promising opportunities have been created for Iranian young idea owners.

In this post, Sorena Sattari said: “since the outbreak of coronavirus, many knowledge-based companies, researchers and startups worked around the clock to prepare the items related to this fight. From the production of mask-manufacturing devices and disinfectants to highly advanced medical equipment such as ventilators, ICU room equipment, CT scans and mass production of diagnostic kits, as well as many efforts are being made to provide vaccines and drugs. Only three independent groups are working on the vaccine, and hundreds of clinical trials are being conducted daily.

In the note, the vice president for science and technology affairs referred to the global welcoming of new laws caused by the coronavirus and pointed out important notes: “now we have reached a point when the disease is under our control, which could not be achieved without the tolerance of the people and their support of the medical staff and knowledge-based companies, as well as the efforts of all academic researchers. Now we have to get used to this unwelcomed guest. The virus has become a part of life of all people in the world and will be with us forever. Even after the discovery of drugs and vaccines, the virus, like many other viruses, will be associated with humanity. Certainly many of the principles of life for the people of the world will change in the future. "Educational, recreational or shopping methods and many daily habits change under the influence of this virus.”

At the end of the note, the president of the national elites foundation predicted the emergence of new businesses by young creative idea owners in the corona world, stating: new businesses are born and emerge, and some will disappear. There are many opportunities for young people who have new ideas to improve the quality of life of people in the world with corona, and they should use this opportunity hopefully and in the best possible way. Life goes on, but with new rules and regulations."

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,Notes,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters
  • News code : 50194


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