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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Oct 13 2021 - 13:11
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Our awesome wish today; A note on the importance of content economics

Parviz Karami *

An idea is connected to human life that comes in the language of art and words. . The dream, on the other hand, is an introduction to a new word. The dream, on the other hand, is an introduction to a new word. Myths in human life are created to be the wings of a dream for every citizen. Legends give their listeners the power to choose. ; Choosing a different tomorrow or enduring everyday boredom. That is why all nations, in the field of myth-making, have their pockets full, and all of them are proud of having ancient myths and taking care of them to the level of a treasure.

As we know, the line between earth and sky, and the kingdom and man, have been the prophets. The relationship is the key to human domination and supremacy over nature and the universe. . With the weapon of speech and communication, man has been able to dominate and announce his presence with a suffering and vulnerable body, not on the ground, but also outside it. . Although the basis of existence is based on communication, man has been able to have the upper hand in the conflict between creatures and to establish a caliphate on earth.

But in these modern and ever-changing times, people's dependence on the key to communication has become stronger and deeper. People in cities and villages seem to breathe with information and communication technologies. Living with empty bread and spring water is possible, but unbearable without mass media and social networks. On the other hand, the rich and powerful class of the world has changed its essence and those who have ridden the wave of communication, media, and cyberspace, have been able to become more famous and richer than any other human being.

Well, in this situation, it must be said that a new era has begun, the rules of which are virtual and based on relationships and media. Intellectual assets are constantly increasing, and dreams can find the shape of the body at any time.

I made this relatively long introduction to say that today, the innovative and creative ecosystem is the product of changing times and, of course, one of today's necessities. Without the proper formation of this ecosystem, our country can not have a hand in the caravan of world leaders. Of course, fortunately, this necessity has been felt at all levels of government, the system, and the people, and it is easy and without stuttering to talk about the creative economy and the ecology of innovation and technology and creative houses and innovation and new ideas and businesses, and everyone Also, they will never feel alienated from these concepts and their sub-disciplines.

But if we want to keep our heads down and sit firmly on the summit, we should not be satisfied with what we have achieved so far and we should not be careless about the routes, peaks, and subsequent events. . But now is the time for courage and boldness. It is time to overestimate ourselves and our capabilities. Now that we have more than 10,000 knowledge-based and creative companies, why should we not be proud and proud of ourselves? But reaching such a figure and such a position has been an easy task. A great scientific and technological jihad has taken place, and we have been able to conquer a high and lofty peak, and with the support of this ascent, we must also conquer the higher and more impassable peaks. What are those other peaks? One of the most important is to create a sense of security and confidence in Iranians in Iranian products. I do not mean the product made in Iran, it is not simple and handy things, "Made in Iran" has value and closeness for itself and glory. . Unfortunately, the culture of "Iran-made", which is the production of quality products with the benefit of the knowledge and technology of the country's elites and experts, has not yet completely dominated the country. . That is why many people are still skeptical about the product or commodity that has "Mead this Iran" on it. They are right because for everyone, the story of the presence of thousands of knowledge-based and creative knowledge in the field of production has not been recorded and tangible.

Needless to say, the truth is that not all media and cyberspace, with all their might, have been present in the campaign of the resistance economy and the fruition of the knowledge-based economy. . Although I have always and everywhere, time and time again, appreciated the tireless efforts of the media and cyberspace lovers of influencer and tribune artists, as the face of the country with an innovative and creative ecosystem, Has been drastically changed and improved, in the field of media, these conditions must be provided. Media and cyberspace are the languages of innovation and creativity. . By accurately and deeply explaining this ecosystem, the media can dramatically increase and accelerate its growth and epidemic in society.

With the presence of another worthy person from the media in the position of head of the national media (Mr. Peyman Jebli) and a supportive and effective view on this issue, now a new and wide door has been opened in the field of national media that has new hopes in the heart. Man created. . While congratulating this clever appointment, along with the inauguration of the 13th government, which has faithfully hoisted the glorious banner of "Strong Iran", it has made the situation more hopeful for the actors of innovation, creativity, and knowledge base.

In a situation where economic issues are associated with great sensitivity and many risks, opening a new path in this area will be significant and, of course, effective. . This path is in the field of "content economics". Compliments we do not have, Facebook and Amazon are the world's economic giants. Their fortunes are staggering and astonishing. . The Internet and social networks are at the top of the list of people's daily needs. So by taking the content economy seriously, it will make the innovative and creative Ecos stronger and more prosperous. This story of content economics has been important since ancient times and ancient times, and many of them have taken the form of myths, stories, and literary works. Even today, according to the available facilities, this path should find an enlightening light by relying on rich and old resources and local and creative talents.

Meanwhile, the improving situation of innovation indicators in our country compared to other nations gives us a sign that we are on the right path and we just have to be a little optimistic and patient. After all, no matter how humiliating the oppressive sanctions are, we must admit that they have been effective in slowing down the wheels of the locomotive of innovation and creativity. . However, our ears are sharp and open, and we can receive the message of hope and faith anytime, anywhere, and be optimistic about tomorrow.

The thirteenth people's government, in the very first days of its work, has shown that it is in favor of the correct, logical, and effective change. . That is why the creative and cultural industries are being paid attention to, and satisfactory loopholes have been opened. Also, the honorable Islamic Consultative Assembly, in the new atmosphere of production leap, supports creative and knowledge-based companies, and every day we hear and see whispers and strategies from this important and effective institution, and we hope that soon, across the country, the laws Relevant, run.

It is not bad to mention the announcement of the national document for the development of soft and creative technologies and to celebrate this great event and show behavior by its dignity. This document can solve many seemingly small and seemingly large knots and problems, and in addition to spreading a culture of creativity and innovation, it will blow a breeze of joy and strength among the citizens.

Now that we understand that myths can also be real, we can, with the help of the media and the production of effective content, and the presence of a strong government, properly present the true myths of today's Iran and make them available to the public. . Our real myth today is that Iran is empowered to face sanctions and meet its needs by relying on domestic power and achieving self-sufficiency in many areas. A true portrayal of our true myths is our dream today.

  • News group : NEWS,Notes,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 78873

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