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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • May 20 2018 - 15:36
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Note/Parviz Karami

National production and support of Iranian products is necessary

National production and support of Iranian products is necessary

Those who have read the SarAmad and Knowledge-based journals know that support of domestic production has always been one of our major concerns, whether in the national elites foundation or in the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs. As common citizens of the country, we are obligated to support Iranian products and develop the market by doing so. Meanwhile, there are some complications in this field, but simple and comprehensible measures are taken.

Until our producers fail to find a good market for their products, they will not make progress and grow. Simply put, golds will not come from the sky or be provided by the government for Iranian producers. If they fail to sell their products in the market, they will soon be bankrupted. You do not need to be an economy expert to understand that bankruptcy of a factory does not just include the place. Economic measures taken in the society are connected to each other, and each negative or positive event will affect other places.

Bankruptcy of domestic producers cause many cultural and social problems. You just need to hear the unemployed workers out and recognize the bankrupted manufacturers to understand how ignoring the domestic productions can damage the society.

On the other hand, smart and conscious support of domestic productions can increase the power of the society and the public self-confidence in facing the world. It can even improve the political power of the country. In defense areas, when we produce weapons by relying on our Iranian experts and through the innovation of the committed youth of the nation, we gain a power that both improves our sense of patriotism and makes our connection with the actual ideals of the revolutions stronger than before.

However, we have no restrictions in referring to the international markets in order to improve our defense power. In fact, it is the global arrogance that prevents the military equipping of the country. It is obvious that if allowed, they will create barriers in our economic deals as well.

In fact, the meaning of sanction is that the opposers make no differentiation between food, clothes and missiles, and as it prevents countries to sell weapons, it prevents them from selling normal products. Here, the meaning of self-efficacy in political and economic areas come to life, urging us to reduce our dependences in the world. 

Remember that our economic dependence to the world can be turned into a leverage against us due to inappropriate interference of other nations. For instance, the Americans disrupt our education by doing so. Here, the meaning of domestic production expands and can improve our international position. In general, there is a different attitude toward a powerful and independent country, compared to a dependent country.

It means that support of domestic production can lead to significant success. By doing so, we can help the economy and elimination of unemployment in the country and increase national unity and integrity of the public and strengthen the political position of the country both inside and in international areas.

Cultural and social successes will be obtained as well, which can be associated with satisfaction of God with us and heavenly rewards.

However, explaining some issues and reminding the obligations of each of the pillars, involved in national production and support of Iranian products is very crucial. We need to realize that three pillars are directly involved in this area and their effective presence can change the level of support. First of all, the government is obligated to legally and culturally lay the foundation for presence of domestic producers of Iranian products and services.

Here, all authorities of the country must try to eliminate the legal barriers to the domestic producers, and the government must expand the area of activities for Iranian product marketing by restricting imports to the country and preventing the smuggling of products. It is only natural that the domestic producers have failed to compete with the producers of the world due to lack of globalization of Iranian products. The area is so difficult to enter that some of the producers accept their failure at the beginning of the journey.

Therefore, the Iranian producers must be significantly supported by the government and their abilities must be improved. The second pillar involved in increase of validity of domestic production is producer himself, who can change the balance of the market to his favor by increasing the quality and decreasing the cost of his product, which is a form of healthy competition. Moreover, the Iranian producers must not be weak and leave the field the first time they encounter difficulties.

In addition, producers must aim to appreciate the customers and provide after-sale services to attract the satisfaction of the consumers, contributing to the culture building of the people in this regard. Obviously, the main burden of culture building is on the shoulder of the media. Nevertheless, this important task can be taken up by other pillars as well. In addition to the mentioned pillars, the most important pillar is support of domestic production, as I stated in the beginning of the note. It is the people who can prevent the import of foreign products by their national pride.

In addition, they can persuade producers to increase the quality of their products by demanding their actual rights. The people can ask the government and economic decision makers to improve the position of domestic production. They can also turn the support of domestic production into a local culture, passing it to the next generations as a national integrity. By localizing their desired products, they can encourage the producers to continue their production. I emphasize that consumers are the most important pillar in this area since both the authorities of the field and producers and economy activities come from the people.

  • News group : Notes
  • News code : 34621


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