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Karami: The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology supports the establishment of creative houses in the provinces of the country

The Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Soft and Creative Industries Development Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology supports the establishment of creative homes throughout the country.

Parviz Karami, Advisor to the Vice President of Science and Technology, announced the news: "Creative House, as its name suggests, is a house and a platform for the establishment and growth of specialized accelerators in the fields of cultural industries, humanities, culture and art, startups and creative companies related to soft technologies and identity building.

Karami continued by stating that these houses support the production chain of soft and cultural industries from idea to product and service: These houses are established with the full support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and work like an informed and professional supporter to establish a creative economic ecosystem based on soft and cultural industries in his city and region.

 He also said: digital businesses and cyberspace, games, toys and entertainment, handicrafts, tourism and cultural heritage, audio-visual industries, design, learning, publishing, medicinal plants and traditional medicine, visual arts and theatrical, fashion and clothing or any other related field is one of the areas in which companies, startups and creative teams come up with ideas.

 Emphasizing the quality of creative homes during quantitative development, the Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters added: There is also ongoing support for continuing to provide services. Creative houses try to rely on the capacities of each region of the country, startups of cultural and creative industries, to go through the stages of their growth and development under the umbrella of the support of this institution.

 Secretary to Soft and Identity Building Technologies in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology also said: Identifying creative and innovative projects in various fields of creative and cultural industries, identifying, attracting and supporting creative ideas in the field of improving manufacturing methods, supplying parts or raw materials, Packaging, marketing, advertising, sales, publishing, export and operation are the actions that are done in these places. Also, supporting the development of products in the field of creative and cultural industries with an export approach and the development of their export market and job creation along with sustainable economic development, especially in the private sector, are among the goals of establishing a creative house.

Karami added: "Applicants for the establishment of a creative house must have certain conditions and characteristics." Having legal personality, sufficient experience in the field and familiarity with new businesses, having a place to create a creative house appropriate to the field of activity and at least 500 square meters of infrastructure owned by the applicant or rented by the applicant for at least 5 years, Also the location introduced in the geographical area available to related startups, including these conditions.

The secretary of the soft and identity building technologies headquarters, while providing more explanations about the conditions of the applicants for establishing a creative house, said: "Besides, in the geographical area in question, there should be no creative house of another field." The applicant must also provide a suitable work plan for the creative home.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, added: The person requesting the establishment must also have specialized and relevant manpower to run the creative house. Applicants are given priority to build creative homes in cities in disadvantaged areas. The fact is that the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Soft and Creative Industries Development Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, based on a one-year plan to fulfill the slogan of the year to remove obstacles and allocate maximum support to soft and creative industries, intends to Establish more than 10 creative homes nationwide.

Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, said: "According to the reception, priority is given to applicants who have the maximum conditions and submit a more appropriate economic plan, so the application date does not affect acceptance." Those interested can refer to the section related to this call on the website of the Creative Companies Ecology Development Program at http://ircreative.isti.ir/ to read more details about the features and conditions related to the establishment of a creative house.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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  • News code : 73831

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