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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Aug 20 2019 - 15:00
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  • Study time : 3 minute(s)
Parviz Karami:

Iran has never been among the top 20 countries with the highest rank of elite emigration/false and biased news on emigration of elites of Iran to other countries and brain drain by some media

Iran has never been among the top 20 countries with the highest rank of elite emigration/false and biased news on emigration of elites of Iran to other countries and brain drain by some media


Advisor to the president of the national elites foundation mentioned the false and biased news on emigration of elites and brain drain by some domestic and international media, stating: Iran has never been among the top 20 countries with the highest rank of elite emigration.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Parviz Karami, the secretary of knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, responded to false and biased news on the latest emigration or brain drain statistics by some media and foreign media, expressing: over the past few days, news have been published by some news agencies, newspapers and news sites with the title of "What were the four factors behind the expatriate / the most important reason for Iranian immigration last year?". As the title implies, accurate statistics and reasons for the international migration of Iranians abroad must be presented in the context of news. To our surprise, the statistics and information of ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare (which includes the causes of displacement and domestic emigration of employed and unemployed population of the country) have been presented as documents on emigration of elites from Iran.

He added: in fact, the main question is that has the level of accuracy in the media and press been reduced to such a degree that no editor of the news service has matched the headline and content of the news before publishing and exposing it to public opinion? Is the aim merely to arouse public opinion and create a wave of news on the issue of emigration in the country or are there other biased and obscure reasons at work? With this approach, it seems that there is no longer any reliance on news and statistics provided by news agencies and the media.

Provision of False or Exaggerated Statistics

Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs continue: in the last two days, a false biased report was published by Farsi Deutsche Welle website entitled "The Islamic Republic, brain drain and denial of facts", which showed the low quality and carelessness of an international site. The main topic of the faulty report full of statistical errors was emigration of elites from Iran while the content and reliable documents of the report were false and copied from the cyberspace. In addition, the author had no had spent no time to assess the accuracy of statistics.

Karami added: for instance, the authors of the reports stated the statistics of 1.6 million people as 16 million quoting Dr. Bahrami Salavati. In addition, they falsely referred to the ministry of health on August 19th, 2019 (which was rejected by the ministry) and referred it to 2010.

The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs also asserted: in fact, this type of biased errors occur when an author carelessly copies false and undocumented statistics from the cyberspace.

A Billion Rials Prize for Finding a Document that Does not Exist

Karami also pointed out one of the lies expressed on the media entitled “according to statistics of the international monetary fund, Iran was ranked first among 91 countries in terms of brain drain”, stating: for instance, international monetary fund has presented no statistics, and this issue has been rejected by us several times. I will give a prize of one billion rials to anyone who can find these statistics. I have repeatedly stated that Iran has never been among the top 20 countries in terms of elite emigration.

In end, Karami read a verse, which was interpreted as what happens to us is the result of our own work and beliefs. Karami criticized the media colleagues and demanded them not to sacrifice accuracy to expressing data.

Notably, the national elites foundation has recently conducted a research top resent statistical data on emigration, link of which are presented below.  




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