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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • May 7 2017 - 12:20
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Ineradicable Capitalism

Ineradicable Capitalism

Imagine if the Egyptian pyramids, palaces of Persepolis, Delphi in Athens, Jahan Square of Isfahan, Big Ben clock tower in London and many other valuable places were created with an artistic view. Would they be sustainable? It is not a nice idea. The majority of sustainable and valuable buildings, structures and objects from the ancient history of the world were designed and produced with the help of creativity and technology of that day and are still valuable and persistent due to the artistic view used in their creation. While speaking of art in the modern era might be a repetitive task, it seems that there is still no proper status for this concept in our lives. We still need to hold specialized and educational festivals, seminars and workshops and remind everyone of this this necessity again and again. Where is the root of this problem? In my opinion, there is a lack of constant and effective relationship among technology, industry and art in our country.

The technology and industry section of Iran has not felt the necessity of an artistic view and culture building yet. On the other hand, the section of art and culture of Iran has not moved its concerns and ideational space toward the support of technology and industry of the country. One of the major reasons for this issue might be that the two areas are stilled ruled by economic mechanism and commercial thinking. While this relationship exist all over the world, expecting to obtain profits where there is still uncertainties in industrial improvement and flourishing seems unreasonable.

In the history, it is observed that there was an order on one side of any sustainable monument, structure or object. Another problem of the modern world stems from this matter. Both sides of the story (i.e., industry and art) have improper association with the component of “order”. The section of industry is only looking for increased value and capital and requires the shortest amount of time from the order receiver. On the other hand, the art section regarded working based on order to be in contrast with its demands and goals, and only accepts offers for meeting its essential needs. 

Therefore, despite many investments and supports of various events by the government for culture building and creating a proper environment for different walks of life in the society, nothing has changed. We still need to talk about the necessity of art in the progress of economic and commercial goals of the country and evaluate the role of art in industry and technology of Iran. Nevertheless, everything has remained intact and it seems that these words never get old. 

However, the technology and industrial film and picture festival of “Tomorrow” has passed this stage and actually participated. It means that this festival has created a space for meeting between technologist, industrialist and artist, who can sit by a table and discuss the cumbersome subcategories and outdated and incorrect ideas, presenting a defendable output at the end of the meetings.

It should be mentioned that this event emphasized on the subject of “science” and “technology”, to encourage any person who is active in these areas. It makes you feel good when an event is held accurately based on the necessity of time amidst of these days. The concept of technology must be regarded in all aspects of our lives today. We should discuss this matter any time possible. Our children must hear stories about the correct use of technology from their parents and grandparents. Everyone must know that anything that we have obtained over the years have been due to science and technology. Today, if we want to be one of the top countries in this area, we have to use science and technology in all stages of life.

Unfortunately, the word “technology” is still a foreign and strange concept in our culture. This problem must be solved so that everyone, from industrialist and businessmen to employees, housewives and students put this concept on their agenda and know that the benefit of another person in this regard will be their own benefit in the long run. If we help plant a tree in our neighbor’s garden, we will benefit from its shade and beautiful appearance and delicious fruits. I wish continued success and progress for my colleagues and artists of “Tomorrow” festival and hope that the year of “economy of resistance, production and employment” will be the pretext for achieving the valuable slogans and eliminating the concerns in the knowledge-based and technology-oriented areas.


*Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs and secretary of knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarters.

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  • News code : 23401


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