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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Oct 24 2016 - 20:05
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To Reprimand Advertising Encouragements

From all People Just One Person Is Sufi

From all People Just One Person Is Sufi

Everyone is not supposed to become innovator or “entrepreneur” although everyone can participate in and plays an effective role in growth and blossom of national production and in the country’s development and progress. Since a lot of emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship may be perceived wrongly and may cause everyone to focus on inventing and innovating, it is proper to warn that entrepreneurship is a professional work and just some people can handle it. If all groups of the society consider themselves entrepreneurs, it is result will be wasting of the public time and capital and energy. It is the same in other fields. Teaching is a virtue and is the prophet’s job in Imam Khomeini’s terms. But this is not a cloth to be put on by everyone. A few people have the ability of teaching that if they get trained well and get placed in the correct path, then they will be among the top teachers. God has given special talent to each person that actually, the society’s problems are solved with these talents. A good society needs tailor and butcher and teacher and driver and minister and lawyer as well as scientist and innovator and inventor and entrepreneur. Smart managers of the society invest in all talents and prepare the conditions of training and teaching and growing talents. The worst happening is that the mankind doesn’t manage to be in his own place and is forced to do a business that has no compatibility with his interest and gifted talent because of exaggerating advertisement or the situation’s compulsion. When we were teenagers, advertisement and families’ inclination were toward training their children for medical and engineering majors ignoring that whether those children were talented in medical and engineering majors or not. Many people who were interested in literature and humanities were forced to waste their lives in not literature and humanities majors because of other people’s inclination and more importantly, because of the advertisement and the public atmosphere. Suddenly, the mankind opens his eyes in mid-ages and sees that he is in a position that is neither adorable nor useful for him and he can’t make progress in it.

Similar to previous years that medicine had become very attractive and parents tried to guide their children toward it, entrepreneurship, elite and becoming scientists has become attractive nowadays and this danger is threatening the society that lead everyone to these positions and ranks with advertisements with no prepared base. We should learn from past and don’t repeat the mistakes. We have lost time and paid exorbitant costs for these very “Advertising Encouragements” several times. One serious problem of quick-impact enterprises was that many owners of these enterprises weren’t cut out for this job and most of them had started that job because of amazing facilities and over the top desirable conditions. These group’s work was failed quickly and not only they didn’t manage to achieve success in their business but they also troubled other people who were truly the right people for this job and could make progress and finally the whole project was ruined. All people are not Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Walt Disney in America. No. In poetry terms from all people just one person is Sufi/ others live in his shadow.

Actually, the main task of the society is to find these superior talents, innovators and entrepreneurs and provide conditions for their progress. Otherwise, availability of facilities and giving special loans would turn to a magnet that attracts everyone. In other words, existence of this magnet would stimulate the society to put themselves in the process of entrepreneurship or knowledge-based companies or economic enterprises by any means possible to be able to use these facilities. But there are many eloquent notes here. It is right that the society must take care of entrepreneurs and give them facilities, but the experience has proved that entrepreneurship doesn’t need facilities very much. The serious harm that may threaten our developing society is that the advertisements and encouraging policies put us to trouble and make people catch the fake fever of invention and creativity. A real entrepreneur and inventor has  a spirit that even if he falls thousands of times, he will rise again and continue his work whereas others become depressed and sad with the first failure and will be piled up. It is right that entrepreneurship is a virtue but other talents are virtue as well. It is important in a society that firstly each person finds his right position and then shows himself in that position well. It is not about hierarchy and up and down. Sometimes being a good and satisfied and creative employee of a secretariat is better than being an unsatisfied and non-creative director-general. It is important that each person plays his role well in any place he is in. Truly, being a good secretariat employee is not less than a good manager. The main meaning of being pioneer is this that each person in any position improves himself and reaches the elite. A good society doesn’t only want entrepreneurs. It wants good teacher and butcher and chauffeur and painter and boss and author and poet and physician and sweeper and gardener as well. When these good people innovate in their business and create new projects, then entrepreneurship elites will rise and will do amazing things. However the downfall of this inertia and depression trend is in being satisfied with the slender steady income of the government and avoiding high will. Thank God, there is a movement within the young generation which shows “high will”. This modern generation is mostly not seeking to get hired by the government and receive a slender steady income. Most of them are enthusiastic and are not satisfied with low income. This is very good and what driving force is better than this for the society’s progress. But a smart and pervasive system must place each of these young people in their right places. Actually, Justice means that each person has to be in his right place and receive facilities as much as he deserves. Meanwhile, we should watch for advertisement not to ruin the society’s balance and not to attract the society to fake directions.



*Parviz Karami- Secretary of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18854


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