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For Iran/ Iranian People Were the Victors of the Election.

For Iran/ Iranian People Were the Victors of the Election.

Advisor to the head of national science foundation stated: each of us have to make efforts in helping our country and compatriots according to our value and status. Others planted and we harvested; now is the time for us to plant and for other to harvest. Meanwhile, those with who benefit more from material and spiritual blessings of Iran must make greater endeavors in this regard.

* Parviz Karami

Whoever we are and wherever we are, we are thankful and indebted to our country. Iran was here when we were born. We are in substantial debt to this land of God with its brilliant experience. Due to the water and soil of Iran, God has given us many valuable blessings, for which we have to be thankful otherwise we will lose them similar to the previous incidences in this regard. “gratitude will add to your abundance, but ingratitude deprives you of everything you already have”. Being ungrateful toward God’s blessing will lead to deprivation of those blessings. On the other hand, whenever we are grateful for God’s blessings, boundless blessings of God has come to our lives, one of which was the “election” and maximum presence of people in this event.

One of the advantages of the election was passion and joy that emerged in our nation, reminding aspirations which are valuable in themselves. Higher than the level of political competition, deeper than factional and subjective disputes, more serious than periodic demands and larger than the elections was the fierce political power created in people-from various walks of life- to stand up and make efforts for the dignity of Iran and the Islamic system and renew their pledge to their Islamic homeland. The Supreme Leader of Iran perceptively noted in his message that the actual winners of this event were the people of our society, who gave strength to the foundations of our national power with their maximum participation in the presidential elections of Iran: “all walks of life, all tastes, all political orientations came to the scene together and voted for the Islamic Republic of Iran alongside of each other.”

Iran has a culture, a geography and fertile soil so trivial that value of which can be forgotten and neglected sometimes. Every nation is jealous of the history of this land, of which we are so proud. Nevertheless, we are unfortunately disloyal to our past and history due to intellectual and cultural discontinuity from the past.

We do not appreciate the work of our scholars, such as Ibn Sina, Al-Biruni, Zakariya al-Razi, Ferdowsi and Khayam, like the intelligent people of the world. Underneath this land is valuable and unique mines and resources. We can find unique minerals, which are even more valuable than gold, by splitting any rock or mountain. The actual worth of fertile soil of Iran is recognized by those countries, which have to buy soil from foreigners to plant trees. Whenever I asked from our elderly that why do we have to love and respect our homeland, they would say that homeland is where we can obtain food, clothes and, generally have a life. The most important of all, homeland gives us a unique culture and knowledge, by which we can obtain remarkable successes in the world.

The value and power of the Islamic civilization is that it can solidify our identity in the modern world, and decidedly determines our goals and destination. There is a feeling in this argument which strengthen the bond between people and their homeland. It might be believed that our youth is not aware of emotions and cannot recognize their debt to their country. However, events such as presidential debates can wipe out the dust of emotions and remind the debt of all people to their homeland. In this phenomenon, young and old come together to decide about their own fate.

The fact that people participate in an event where they do not know the result means that something like homeland and destiny of their country is a serious matter, and they are ready to forget their personal and group interests to guarantee the collective and national interest. It does not matter who you vote for; the only important issue is that this voting keeps the love for your country alive in your heart, forcing you to pay your debt to the country. I refer to another important message by our supreme leader, who stated: “the actual winner of this election is the people of Iran and Islamic Republic of Iran, which has been able to earn the trust of a nation despite the conspiracy and attempt of enemies.

Each of us has to make efforts as far as we can to serve our nation. Others have planted and we have used; now it is our turn to plant for others. Meanwhile, those with more spiritual and material blessings must serve more, especially the educated people who have taken steps for the prosperity of their country, taking a part of the burden off the shoulders of Iranians.

There is always a strong energy in the community during the election days, which preserves the love for homeland. Now that everyone is involved with political matters during these period, it is a good opportunity to talk about service providing, helping and enhancing the situation of Iran. We have to ask all of the intelligent, virtuous and revolutionary people to help the government in line with its plans, so that the pace of development and progress increases. The term “revolutionary” has the same meaning; we have to bring all of the people to the stage to accurately and quickly eliminate the barriers to our services for the society.

In normal conditions, personal motives from one hand and bureaucratic obstacles from other hand lead to lack of use of all manpower with different orientations and tastes, as well as different levels of knowledge and ability. However, now that the slogan of “Again Iran” is heard everywhere, it is a great opportunity to make this term last forever by using the skill, alertness and work of media. This everlasting attention to the slogan of “Again Iran” is like a verse written by one of our great poets, who says: “light for friends, smoke in the eyes of enemies, I accept this fire and live for it/so you can increase its flame”. We were really pleased by the vast participation of Iranians in the presidential election, which was the collective work of Iranians. Everyone says that Iranians do not know how to do collective works; nevertheless, we have proved over and over that cooperation and collective work are strongly rooted in the history and culture of Iran.

Now that such a phenomenon has occurred in the year of economy of resistance, production and occupation, we can achieve the slogan of “Again Iran” with more confidence and speed. “Knowledge-based economy”, which is the driving force of this process, will come to fruition with collective work and a feeling of obligation in elites, specialists, academics and entrepreneurs. We will witness another phenomenon in the near future caused by the cooperation of all Iranians through accelerating the establishment of knowledge-based companies nationwide. By relying on the energy received from these people, who voted on the election day without any demands, we can eliminate concerns in the field of occupation and job creation.

At the end, I will quote our esteemed selected president, Dr. Rouhani, whose speech has the same message: “The great nation of Iran, know that the actual winners of this selection are you, who are the winners of the election, republicanism, Islamism, freedom and independency. The winner of this election is national sovereignty.


Parviz Karami, Advisor to the President of National Science Foundation

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 24401


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