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  • Mar 15 2020 - 20:43
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On the Benefits of Coronavirus

A stronger Iran

A stronger Iran


On the benefits of coronavirus

“What does not kill you, makes you stronger”, is a term used by humans several times throughout the history, which also applies in the case of corona. This disease is deadly and can spread in the society very soon if not managed by the authorities.

In the past few weeks, nurses, physicians and medical staff came to the frontier of the battle with the disease regardless of the possible risks. They have been able to successfully control the virus and provide treatment for the infected. However, prevention is cheaper, more profitable and more crucial, compared to treatment. Cultural and social changes must be made in people’s mentality and traditions by organizations and authorities in order to prevent the outbreak of the virus.

With the explicit opinion of the Supreme Leader and religious authorities, the opinion of scientists and physicians is the most important opinion and all people must adhere to the instructions mentioned by healthcare staff. However, adhering to the instructions requires tools and facilities, production of which is the responsibility of technologists and manufacturers. We would not realize the level of shortage in the healthcare tools and medical equipment without the outbreak of corona. Nonetheless, we would not be bothered by hoarders this much as well. Therefore, we realized our weaknesses and strengths and it is important to immediately eliminate the problems and compensate for the shortages. Fortunately, our young scientists came to the field very soon with national and religious motives and have taken effective steps in the production of standard medical equipment such as corona detection kits and complementary drugs. However, experts of other fields must also come to the field and distribute to the society. Even experts in the field of social and human sciences can produce cultural products and content to raise people’s awareness and change their dangerous behaviors and habits. The sad story of corona is important since it involves all society members, from those living in urban region to those residing in rural areas, from the elderly to the youth, from believers, and traditional people to modern people. Therefore, all society members must react to this issue and do their responsibilities. It means that in addition to academic graduates, people in the streets and markets must act responsibly to defeat corona and cooperate with the community’s authorities.

This share can include informing others or raising the spirit of each other. Corona is not a virus to be treated only by physicians without our help. Now is the time for everyone to come to the field. Now is the time for knowledge-based companies and startups to be active in the fight against corona and help increase people’s awareness. Today, many people are forced to stay in their homes and can benefit from the possibility of remote work using the software and hardware provided to them. If there was no internet, people would have a hard time in their homes. However, we need to strengthen the cyberspace to make virtual communications of the people possible.

Today, nano, bio, cognitive and medical engineering experts and those working in the fields of lab sciences, humanities, art and history must not take this opportunity for granted and make Iran stronger by producing anti-corona drugs. In this regard, the Vice-Presidency has entered the field to help the youth and entrepreneurs working in knowledge-based areas and eliminate their problems in cooperation with other organizations.


  • News group : NEWS,Notes,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 50040


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