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  • Jan 1 2018 - 18:58
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On the Importance of Scientific Flourishing in Islamic Societies

A Prize to the Name of Muhammad the Prophet

A Prize to the Name of Muhammad the Prophet

Unrestrained investors cannot expand their work without considering the Middle East. In addition, this region is the most strategic area of the world. Taking over the Palestine by Zionists was not an accident. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and several other Salafi and Wahhabi groups are like snakes coming out of the sleeve of America and Israel. The similar feature of all of these hand-made snakes is their touristic moves and creating fear in the region. They attack helpless people in the name of Islam and put the name of religion of peace on their wars and beheadings. However, coherence of comprehensive media cannot be underestimated. A close review of the problem demonstrates that media are a component of fearing of Islam and they constantly try to associate the ideas of explosion, beheading and attacking the helpless to the name of the prophet of Islam and the sound of Allahu Akbar and La Elaha Ella Allah. Due to the performance of western media, discussion over Islam is always associated with images of war, lack of safety and bleeding.

Worse than that, the media has shown that in addition to political, moral and ethical crises, the Islamic countries deal with low scientific and technological advances. IT has been implied to the world that the center of science is America and Europe and the more we are far from this center, the more there is ignorance and superstitions. This has turned into a common notion, in a way that seeing a Muslim scientist would be strange. On the other hand, seeing a Muslim with a gun would be very common for them.

The truth is that us Muslims have many problems in this era, which if not dealt with consciously and intelligently and not be solved with science and wisdom of Muslim, our global identity and status would face a serious crisis and our individual and collective reputation would be impaired. We should not forget that what is happening today and is on the first page of the news is based on plans of the enemies. In addition, there are some valid and reliable news about the goals of America and Israel for weakening of Islam. These countries have made plans in their brainstorming rooms and have provided the preliminaries to minimize the potential and power of Muslims.

In this situation, while reminding the previous scientific and civilized works of Muslims in the past decades is favorable and can restore the confidence of the injured communities of Islam, we need more recent and modern actions. We might be able to motive Muslims by constant reciting of history of Islam so that they could restart their efforts and learn the new sciences, the more serious task is to familiarize the people of the world with the true face of Islam with wisdom.

The real face of Muslims is not something that is shown by fake creations of CNN, Fox News and such media. Similar to all people, we have weaknesses and strengths and dos and don’ts. There are scholars among Muslims, who can take significant steps in the path of science and provide valuable services to science. The fact that the modern world’s advances are owed to the work of Muslims in Middle Ages is almost obvious. Since then, we have had several small and large problems that have strayed us from the path of righteousness and religion. The wisdom requires us to recreate science and wealth. Here, the issue is not an individual matter. Of course, there are some Muslims with remarkable individual properties. It is important that the Islamic society make great efforts to move toward the creation of science and wealth. The secret of bringing back the golden era of science is moving toward the principles of peace and kindness presented by our prophet. Iranians, Muslims and the Islamic world move toward advancement by relying on righteousness of their religion in a way that their new culture is formed by indescribable motivation. The history chariot was moving in a paved path and was quickly stirring toward bright days. Muhammad the prophet taught his followers: “there is a way for anything, and the path of heaven is knowledge.” Thousands of remarkable books, researches, achievements, inventions and findings have been the result of this era. Those who moved toward the path of knowledge shed light on the human life. However, the most important damage here was forgetting our belongings and reminding them is no solution now.

I said all of these to express that today we have more collected minds. Some new events have been occurred. For some years, Iran has had significant scientific advances. Along with the achievements of its scholars, there have been some innovations for the Islamic world. For instance, the Mustafa Prize, which is the higher symbol of science and technology in the Islamic world, has been established, two rounds of which have been held to this day. However, it is a relatively new concept and requires time to really show its potentials.

The importance and causes of holding and maintaining of this event is now clear after my explanations above. This prize is given to Muslim scholars or those who are the citizens of Islamic countries. The amount of the prize is not small. In total, 500 thousand dollars will be given to the selected individual. However, the main objective of this prize is filling the gaps caused by the prizes and advertisements of the west in the past few decades. Today, it seems that all of the good and important works done in the area of science and technology are presented by non-Muslims and westerners and no one else. However, the Mustafa Prize has shown that Muslims, or better say the Islamic societies, have a lot to say and their hands are filled with significant works. Linking the name of the prophet of Islam to science and technology can be used to deal with the intrigues of enemies and make peace in the world. In addition, the truth of Islam has ordered and motivated us to learn science and appreciate the work of scholars. The Mustafa Prize is a seedling that must be irrigated, maintained and cared for so that it would come to fruition in the future. There is a type of culture making and benevolence in this prize that can motive young scholars of Islamic societies to more serious follow their scientific missions. This price is neither political nor belonging to one country. In fact, it belongs to the Islamic world and everyone can benefit from its advantages. There is no doubt that proper and timely valuation of the Mustafa Prize leads to its faster globalization. After that, very soon all of the scholars of the world wish to receive this symbol for their work. Today is the time the world recognizes that the truth of Islamic rules are based on flourishing, peace and kindness. Therefore, the best way to understand this truth is showing the science emphasized by the prophet of Islam.


Parviz Karami- Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs 

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  • News code : 30672


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