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“Journalism of Science”, A Way to Preserve the Countrys Interests

“Journalism of Science”, A Way to Preserve the Countrys Interests

“Journalism of Science”, A Way to Preserve the Countrys Interests

The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs stated: if science journalism does not emerge in the true and powerful sense of society, it will not enjoy the favorable growth in science and technology. It can be emphasized that the field of science and technology is a driving stimulus for scientists, researchers, and engineers, and a kind of complement that must be taken seriously.

The use of the capacities of scientific journalism in addressing potential news events is less addressed in the domestic media. The following is a detailed interview with Parviz Karami, the advisor to the vice president for science and technology.

What is the concept of scientific journalism and what are its implications?

Our country has a long history in the media and press for a long time. Areas and some disciplines actually have different potentials in the field of scientific journalism, which coincides with the period of its emergence in Iran, since the production of paper news.

For instance, we have suitable abilities in the field of social, political and cultural journalism, and this goes back to the abilities of those who are expert in this field. However, in the field of science and technology journalism, despite the fact that we have a good standing in the field of science-based databases in the world, we have not benefited from experts as much as we should.

Proper infrastructures must be created to improve this area. These structures must focus on the educational structure of scientific journalism area and is related to media and news agencies and freelancers of the field. Therefore, we must have national and collective dignity to solve this problem.

 What is the cause of slacking in the field of scientific journalism?

Scientific journalism was very weak, and powerless before the formation of scientific journalism discussion with the thoughts of the Supreme Leader in the Vice-Presidency and cabinet. Journalists usually admit that in the press or media, whether virtual or audiovisual, the scientific press is a matter of formality and fantasy. After the formation of the Vice-Presidency with the follow-ups of the Supreme Leader, the view to the topics of science and technology in society were changed. In addition, the Vice-Presidency has seriously followed up this topic to form a science and technology ecosystem, such as growth centers, technology centers, technology parks, accelerators, innovation centers, and innovation factories. These platforms and infrastructures have made the media owners look at science and technology differently. An imperative look that was not formal until it met the needs of the country; the science and technology services were taken more seriously in the media and press.

One of the reasons that hindered scientific journalism in the country was that no media outlet took science and technology seriously. Therefore, those who have the necessary skills in the field of the press and scientific journalism are much less likely to remain in the field. So, a journalist or scientific journalist would tend to the economic, political, and cultural categories as soon as he had the opportunity, and the story of the chicken and the egg would be repeated in our newspapers, press, and media.

As I said earlier, there is sufficient academic, educational and media capacity in the country but is unprofessionally used, which has resulted in exposure of people to irresponsible media.

It can be acknowledged that in the past, the experts of the field would immediately move on to other news groups if not taken seriously in the field of media science and technology. However, this is not the case now, and it has become a requirement where corporations and the press have taken these areas seriously.

The advancement of our science and technology in universities and knowledge-based companies has already led to high value, wealth, and diplomacy in the international arena. This has led to the writing of highly skilled people in the field of journalism, and today the viability of these empowered people has increased.

On the other hand, innovations in this area have made it more attractive and people like to be seen in this area. If science journalism does not emerge in the true and powerful sense of society, the society will not enjoy the favorable growth in science and technology. It can be emphasized that the field of science and technology is a driving stimulus for scientists, researchers and engineers, and a kind of complement that we need to take seriously.

In this regard, the Vice-Presidency has held educational courses for these individuals. In addition, meetings and events were held for interested individuals to advance their knowledge so that they will see them as a complementary and supportive partner and will always extend support to scientific journalism.

How do you assess the status of scientific journalism in print, audio, and video media, especially cyberspace?

Despite the fact that the country"s media have moved on from the previous disagreement to the better, they are unfortunately not yet in the favor of scientific journalism.

What is the use of science localization in the media field and can it have an advantage for the internal media over the foreign supercars?

One of the drawbacks is that we were unable to reflect domestic media in the media world because there was insufficient knowledge of how to translate native language into international media. Investigations indicate that positive and effective action is currently underway in the country. However, the media have failed to publish the achievements of the people and the system internationally.

How do you assess the status of scientific journalism at the domestic and international level?

Scientific journalism is much more desirable internationally, but our country is still far from desirable.

What strategy do we need to take to advance science internationally to bring the country to the international level?

Scientific and technology structures must have synergy in this field. We all need to help journalism find the true place of science. Our universities need to be serious about scientific journalism while our universities still teach public journalism and we do not have any specialization in any of these universities. Unfortunately, even IRIB University, Faculty of News, Islamic Azad University, and Allameh Tabatabaei University have not yet addressed the subject of scientific journalism as it should and perhaps as the science and technology has grown in the country. Moreover, as a policy maker, the Ministry of Science has not paid much attention to science and technology and to the training of scientific journalism. Therefore, as a person who has been writing in this field for many years and in various fields, I urge the relevant institutions and bodies to place greater emphasis on scientific journalism in the country.

What measures have been taken by the Vice-Presidency to promote science and technology in scientific journalism field?

In this regard, the Vice-Presidency has formed nanotechnology, biotechnology, aerospace, water, drought, and medical plants strategic headquarters. In addition, the Vice-Presidency has established the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter along with other headquarters as one of the main executives of the headquarter to deal with science journalism.

We are not saying we were successful in this regard, but we were not unsuccessful as well. These achievements were made with the support of journalism society of Iran in order to gradually move toward a favorable scientific journalism space. One of the strong foundations in this field can be seen in the favorable move of the activities of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter in this area.

Therefore, we have to strengthen the country"s media and give scientific journalism more value. The Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs has begun activities in this field to the possible extent. However, it is still in the beginning of the way, and we will lose to western and eastern competitors if we fail to produce scientific and technological services and products.

What did the foreign countries do to advance scientific journalism? In order for Iran to grow in this area, what should authorities put on their agenda?

The more tangible the subject of science and technology in society, the greater the need for it. If science journalism has been the subject of much attention by policymakers, statesmen, the public and academia over the past 10 years, it is because science and technology in society has become a formal, authoritative, and essential issue. Knowledge-based economics, knowledge-based companies, and startups are now taking a global shape. Therefore, we need to narrate these conquests of science and technology jihad in society, which will not happen unless we have scientific journalism that is sturdy and thoughtful. To this end, all three branches of government, higher education institutions, technology and media firms, and journalism must help to make this promotion possible in less time in order to achieve greater responsibility and excellence.

What are the roles of universities and research centers in the field of scientific journalism?

In order to help the development of scientific journalism, the Vice-Presidency must become closer to third and fourth generation entrepreneurial universities. In doing so, the Vice-Presidency created innovation centers within universities and cities to grow. Eventually, the ecosystem of technology and innovation will grow. In addition, at the heart of this ecosystem is one of the issues that has been seriously addressed, which is the issue of the journalism of science and the people who can translate information from science and technology into the public language of society.

What is the role of new technologies in the development of scientific journalism?

The more advanced and vibrant the science and technology community is, the more the science and technology journalism expands, so science and technology must grow at the same time.

What role does science journalism form in improving the situation?

These associations, in fact, contribute to sustainability, transparency, and promotion of demands, regardless of governments and public institutions. We hope to achieve this with a collective consensus.

How do you assess the future of Iranian scientific journalism?

I see the future of science journalism in the country as growing, solid, and quality. In order for the Iranian society to grow rapidly in science and technology and to move up the ladder in this field, scientific journalism must find its place in the country"s science and technology. Therefore, science journalism in Iran will be much better off than it is today in the future. In general, science journalism is a necessity for the country that takes into account national interests and uses this capacity to benefit all academic, academic and academic sectors.

Source: Pishraft Journal

  • News group : NEWS,Notes,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 47867


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