Unveiling two national master plans Sattari Knowledge-based crea
  • Feb 3 2021 - 15:54
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Unveiling of two national master plans; Sattari: Knowledge-based and creative companies met technological needs

During his visit to Khorasan Razavi, the Vice President for Science and Technology unveiled two Iranian products for the construction of the province's technology park.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, attended the Science and Technology Park of this province, and unveiled the device for disinfecting the surfaces and environment of plasma oxygenated water vapor and high pressure sea water desalination pump, which was built by knowledge-based companies located in this Iranian technology park.

 Referring to supporting the development of technological and innovative infrastructures in Mashhad, the Vice President for Science and Technology said: "In order to have a smart and technological city, the infrastructures of the technology park must be seriously strengthened. Entrepreneurship, we are ready to provide the necessary support and facilities to equip these buildings for the establishment of innovative teams, creative companies and startups.


The Vice President for Science and Technology, during his visit to Mashhad Innovation Factory, referring to the role of this innovation factory in creating knowledge-based products of innovative ideas, said: "This innovation factory will host creative and innovation teams in which creative and innovative young people can lead their ideas." And lead and eventually start a business that, while solving a problem in society, can add value to other young, employment-creating and value-creating peers.

 The Vice President for Science and Technology continued by stating that the growth of income of knowledge-based companies has increased significantly compared to the previous fiscal year: Continue to the person. The reason for this is the creativity and innovation inherent in this type of business.

 Sattari spoke of an estimated 40% increase in the income of knowledge-based and creative companies compared to last year and continued: "This year we also saw a significant growth in the income of knowledge-based companies and this amount will be finalized with the finalization of annual financial statements, but what is certain is that these companies Compared to last year, they have had an upward trend in revenue generation.

 He added: "These protections have been done seriously, especially in the field of finance, and in the field of venture capital, facilitating the entry of companies into the stock market, attending international events and market development of these companies are part of the support sought by the Vice President for Science and Technology.

 The inauguration of Kalomin Accelerator was another program of the Vice President for Science and Technology during his visit to Khorasan Razavi Province.

 Also, the achievements of manufacturing in-city rail systems were unveiled in the presence of the Vice President for Science. Sattari also participated in the unveiling ceremony of 100 innovative and creative actions of Mashhad Municipality.

Report from the Communication and Information Center of the Vice President for Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72702

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