Three stem cell regenerative medicine projects unveiled Sattari
  • Feb 28 2021 - 15:10
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Three stem cell and regenerative medicine projects unveiled; Sattari: "Gene therapy" is used to treat incurable diseases in the country and a specialized primary hospital for people is set up

The final phase of the Comprehensive Center for Stem Cells and Reconstructive Medicine for the use of modern therapies was inaugurated in the presence of the Vice President of Science and Technology.

The center, located at the Royan Research Institute, is a bridge between the laboratory and preclinical stages of developing stem cell-based products and reconstructive medicine until it reaches the therapeutic stage and the industrial production of the product on a large scale.

 It provides a strong scientific infrastructure for the development of products based on reconstructive medicine so that the production and quality control of cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue engineering products as well as quality assurance of related products are well implemented.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, attended the Royan Research Institute and unveiled three preclinical projects of the center, referring to the position of the Royan Research Complex in the country, said: "This complex has an important role in ecological development in the field of stem cells and reconstructive medicine and it is always at the forefront of basic research.”

Sattari, stating that every time I visit the Royan research complex, I see a new project and event, said: "It is a very good event that this collection works dynamically and gradually moves towards the creation of knowledge-based companies so that it can Provide a significant portion of the revenue and funding for basic research. This self-reliance will be a strong point in the future of the embryo.

The Vice President of Science and Technology, referring to the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology for the activities of this group, said: A campus will be created. This complex is the first specialized hospital for primary care in the region. This group works in various fields of cognitive sciences, biomedicines and vaccines, etc.

Three completed projects were unveiled in 1999 by Royan Research Institute. Among these projects, we can mention the project of using immune cells in the treatment of cancer, which in collaboration with Tehran University of Medical Sciences has been conducted a clinical trial on 5 patients with malignant brain tumors.

The production of Covidsa transgenic mice, which can be tested to evaluate the results of drugs and vaccines effective in the treatment of coronary artery disease, is another project in this series. The production of cell and gene therapy products for the treatment of cancer patients and the efficient product 19 that helps treat cancer was another product that was unveiled.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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  • News code : 73180

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