The experiences of Iran in innovation and entrepreneurship is the main topic for cooperation with Africans
  • Mar 13 2019 - 14:26
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  • Study time : 3 minute(s)
The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs in Meeting with Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology of the African Union:

The experiences of Iran in innovation and entrepreneurship is the main topic for cooperation with Africans

The experiences of Iran in innovation and entrepreneurship is the main topic for cooperation with Africans

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, the most important achievement of Iran as a basis for cooperation with other countries is its creative and young human recourses, who create added value by knowledge-based companies and startups. This successful experience in the development of ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship is the main axis for interactive cooperation between Iran and African countries.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, on March 11th 2019, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, was hosted by Sarah Anyang Agbor, commissioner for human resources, science and technology African union commission, and her companions. These two political figures talked about scientific and technological interactions between Iran and countries of South Africa.

In this meeting, Sattari mentioned the formation of the committee of bilateral joint cooperation to expand scientific, technological, and knowledge-based cooperation, expressing: we are prepared to develop joint cooperation in fields such as science and technology parks, growth centers, and knowledge-based companies. Governments can create the necessary infrastructure, based on which the relevant parts of science and technology of Iran and the African countries could interact and collaborate.

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed: based on a bilateral partnership, in which each side plays a similar role in the development of the work, we can take innovation for the development of scientific and research centers. Our main goal is to enhance the capabilities of the technology based on a two-way interaction, and research centers, science and technology parks, universities and research institutes in Iran will be a good start for these collaborations.

In terms of the role of women in the flourishing of ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship, Sattari asserted: 20% of knowledge-based companies are managed by Iranian women. These companies use female creative and young human recourses since 60% of university graduates of female, which can be flourished by laying the foundation for increased cooperation of women in the knowledge-based field.

According to Sattari, knowledge-based companies of Iran export their products to the region with a high added value.

Africa Follows up Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Iran

Commissioner for human resources, science and technology African union commission talked about the interesting ranking of Iran in the field of science and technology despite sanctions against the country, adding: this is great that Iran has turned the challenge of sanctions into opportunity and has reached self-efficacy by supplying most of its technology-related needs, in a way that today, it is among the top five countries of the world in terms of nanotechnology.

Agbor regarded science and technology as important priorities of the African Union and mentioned the strategic development program 2063 of Africa, expressing hope for active cooperation with Iranian universities in this field. She mentioned that the need of Africa to work as an expert, create virtual education systems, engage with Iranian technology companies to develop production and jobs in Africa, and highlighting the development of entrepreneurship culture for university graduates as the most important needs of today"s African youth.

She also explained the visit of university centers, research centers and Pardis Technology Park, showing how astounded she was when observing the progress of Iran in the field of policy-making and creation of innovation ecosystem. She pointed out the cooperation capacity of Iran with this macro level of policy-making and scientific cooperation, marking: cooperation between Iran and the African countries should not be limited to the field of science production, and knowledge transfer can help both sides to develop the market, promote the industry. With its experience, industry will transfer knowledge to universities and science centers.

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