Karami Expressed during Visit Raymon Media cyberspace media impr
  • Aug 4 2020 - 17:29
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Advisor to the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Expressed during the Visit of Raymon Media:

The cyberspace and the media will improve the knowledge-based economy

The secretary of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy emphasized the importance of using the cyberspace and the media in the development of science and technology during the visit of Raymon Media Innovation and Acceleration Center, adding: we must use this important and effective tool to introduce scientific and introductory efforts to achieve hope and progress in society.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Parviz Karami, the secretary of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy, visited various parts of Raymon Media innovation and acceleration center accompanied by producers and activists in the field of illustration.

During the visit, Karami pointed out that the only way to influence scientific achievements and findings is to meet their needs and manifestations in society. In this regard, he stated: if scientists and technologists do not have the support of society, their work will certainly not be effective.

According to the advisor to the vice president, the media and print media did not know enough about science and technology, and our scientists avoided the media in the past.

Karami continued: the only way to deal with the current improper space is introducing the achievements in the field of science and technology. We have all the pillars of technology and innovation ecosystem in the country, but we do not use it properly and completely.

The president of the information and communications center asserted that the innovation and technology ecosystem has identified and supported a complete and accurate chain of players in the scientific fields of the country, adding: together and in the heart of the technology and innovation ecosystem, this chain was effective in developing science and technology in the country and introducing the achievements of this field to the society.

Karami explained about the efforts made by the Vice-Presidency to support startups and knowledge-based companies in the country, adding: today, the implementation of the law to support knowledge-based companies has led to the activation of 5300 companies and 6000 startups.

Karami mentioned the opening of innovation factories in the country, expressing: the forgotten, outdated and abandoned areas of the city became the place of production of startups and consolidation of scientific and technological capacities of the country with the establishment of accelerators and startups in their hearts.

He also claimed: Raymon Media has been active as an innovation and acceleration center in the field of imaging. This center has been established in an abandoned and old shed of an oil factory.

The president of the information and communications center continued: for instance, Iran is ranked first in the region in terms of biotechnology and nanotechnology. This was accelerated by the formation of the technology and innovation ecosystem. Iran's ability in these scientific fields was proven to the society during the corona outbreak.

The secretary of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy pointed out the need for masks in the country, adding: before corona, we had limited knowledge and devices to produce masks. However, we have dedicated 100% of our capacity to this area.

Karami also mentioned: the technology and innovation ecosystem will be complete when all its pillars, including the government, the private sector, and scientists and the people, enter and play their full role as sponsors.

The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs declared: the knowledge of the national media and other media in the field of science and technology must be formed correctly so that this important capacity of content production can help the development of this ecosystem in the country.

Karami believes that innovation will find its way. But the presence of the media will accelerate the pace of improvement and clarification of measures taken in the field.


  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 69246

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