best students Mandegar Alborz High School honored Sattari Studen
  • Oct 31 2021 - 22:42
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The best students of Mandegar Alborz High School were honored; Sattari: Students should think about influencing the society; It is essential to apply the training

Vice President of Science and Technology in the ceremony of appreciation of the best of Mandegar Alborz High School, pointing out that the influence of students in society is essential; Emphasized the evolution of the educational system.

Sorena Sattari said in this ceremony: You are in the most important years and days of your life and take the best advantage of this opportunity. Because the decisions you make these days determine and guarantee your future and the path of your life.

The Vice President of Science and Technology added: "I ask you to seek to make an impact in society." It is an honor for you to get the first rank in the entrance exam; But to have a lasting role in society, move towards using ideas and entrepreneurship.

The head of the National Elite Foundation continued: Think about the fact that one day a 3-minute clip of your life is going to be prepared. Live in such a way that in this clip, outstanding and lasting works are broadcast from you.

Sattari also stated: "During these few years, fundamental changes have been made in the field of university education, and universities and professors have moved towards influencing and communicating properly with the industry." These changes must also be made in the school education system. These changes must also be made in the school education system. Schools need to move towards applying education and making good use of students' ideas, creativity and abilities. They should aim at the educational system to influence the students in society.

The Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that he is a graduate of Kamal High School, said: there should be more schools like Alborz and Kamal in the country to put the students in the right direction of education and apply their abilities.

The head of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters continued: One of the winners of this year was the Mostafa Award for Alborz High School graduates. The secret of the permanence of this type of school is the intention and pure spirit of its founders. These people were the founders of fundamental changes in the country's education.

Sattari added: "The educational needs of the country have changed and the educational system must move in a direction where students can meet the needs and challenges of the country." What our universities have done and moved towards the application of education.

Referring to Sharif University of Technology, the Vice President of Science and Technology said: "In the last few years, about 600 companies and more than 5,000 students and graduates have been established and operating around this university." This means a university that interacts well with the community and has moved towards meeting needs.

Sattari continued: "People and the government spend money on education in the country because they expect the problems and sufferings of the country to be solved by our youth." That the educated people of the country benefit the society.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also stated: The Vice President for Science is accompanying education to change the educational system. As for equipping laboratory, student, and research laboratories, it offers 50% discount on purchases of Iranian products. . These discounts for nanotechnology, biotechnology, and aerospace equipment reach up to 70%.

Sattari added: You students should not go for employment. This is the biggest betrayal of your confidence and ability. Thinking about entrepreneurship and innovation to make an impact on your future and that of your community.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also visited the laboratory and the building of Shahid Fakhrizadeh Science and Technology in this high school.

 Mandegar Alborz High School is one of the schools with scientific and physical support and has 1800 students and has the largest number of university seats among public schools in Tehran.

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