Fall Quarterly Creative Ecology been published
  • Oct 2 2021 - 15:18
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The Fall Quarterly of Creative Ecology has been published

The 42-page Creative Ecology Fall Quarterly was published by the Secretariat of the Creative Companies Ecology Development Program with the support of the Soft and Identity Industries Development Headquarters.

Although Corona Pandemic has made our days difficult. But there is always good news that relaxes our minds for the future. The expansion of technology and innovation ecosystem in the country is one of them. The news that makes us happy that Iranian products bring us a better future.

Over the years, the activities of creative companies and cultural industries in the innovation ecosystem have become significant. Companies whose work is based on creativity and innovation. Now, with the help of the Secretariat of the Ecology Development Program of Creative Companies, the autumn quarterly has been published to introduce companies and products in this field and measures to support them.

"Revolution of Innovation and Talent Economy" is the title of a note by Parviz Karami, Secretary of Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, in this quarterly. A note that begins with a reason. "Then why? It begins to spin in our brains as to why, with all this capability and resources, we should see the promotion of goods that are neither of everyday and essential needs nor of a high degree of creative and technological credibility. One of the bad habits in this advertisement is that they want to sell their goods as much as possible by force of rewards and financial promises. "While people are aware and quality and creativity are important to them, not awards and paints and glazes."

In the next section of the Statistics Quarterly of Creative Companies, each year is illustrated for the audience. Tables and charts that show the rapid growth of these companies from 1392 to the summer of 1400. The important point in these charts is that in addition to the general statistics of companies, this number is also based on the field of activity of companies. Information that tells us that most creative companies are active in the field of digital business and cyberspace, and the fields of toys, handicrafts and tourism are in the next positions.

Familiarity with the services provided by a creative company. The next part of this quarterly is. The part where the number of services is provided separately. Financing creative companies, duty system, deployment, empowerment, development of domestic and international market and advertising are just some of the services that companies can use to develop their creative product.

In the continuation of this quarterly, an important issue in the growth of the creative ecosystem is discussed; Creative and innovative homes. In this section, the audience gets acquainted with these houses and the support to build them. The table also lists the names of these houses and their provinces. Of course, there is also a visual narration of these houses in the quarterly.

The first headline of the quarterly is dedicated to the introduction of Collen Danesh Sahand Company with Faradars product. Faradars is the university knowledge available to everyone and our goal is to reach the day when university knowledge is available to everyone without intermediaries.

Introducing entrepreneurship and startup books, introducing Iranian creative applications and creative products are other parts of this book that can be attractive to the audience.

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