Talents Are Managed Since Childhood
  • Feb 23 2019 - 18:56
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Talents Are Managed Since Childhood

Talents Are Managed Since Childhood

“The fourth international conference of talent management: economic approaches” will be held February 27th-28th, 2019 to witness the management of talents since childhood.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Nosratollah Zargham, the president of the Iranian national science foundation, emphasized the use of all capacities of this field in the event on the press conference of the “fourth international conference of talent management: economic approaches”, asserting: the fourth round of this conference will be held for two days, aiming to provide the necessary education for all of those who are somehow involved in the education of children. In fact, the talents of children will be recognized.

Talents Will Be on the Path of Flourishing

The president of the Iranian national science foundation expressed the importance of role of children in determining their future, society and the country, mentioning: if the talents of children are explored with planning and they can be put on the correct path of growth, they will become creative innovators in the future and create a huge wealth for the country.

In addition, Ali Gorji, the scientific secretary of the conference, regarded the recognition of talents a guarantee for advancement of the society in future decades, pointing out: skill management is one of the new and strategic fields in advanced countries.

International Professors Will Lecture

Gorji mentioned the programs of the conference, stating: four prominent professors will present lectures from various countries, including Hungary, Slovenia and Germany. In addition, the topics of the event include talent management and technology, talent management and society, talent management and psychology, and talent management and economics. Moreover, eight articles will be presented in the form of posters, and prominent Iranian professors will hold educational workshops for audiences. In this regard, one of the workshops is art therapy and its role in finding talented individuals.

He also marked: 430 articles have registered for the conference, which demonstrates the proper welcoming of the event. In this conference, the activists of each field will gather to witness the empowering of children more than before. However, the most important issue after finding these talents is maintaining them.

“The fourth international conference of talent management: economic approaches” will be held February 27th-28th, 2019 in Jabir ibn Hayyan Hall of Tarbiat Modares University.

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  • News code : 42511


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