Support international patent more than 150 inventions way techno
  • Mar 7 2021 - 23:07
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Support for the international patent of more than 150 inventions; The way for technological products was paved to enter global markets

The Patent Center for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is expanding the market for technological products in other countries by supporting patents in reputable foreign offices.

Protecting intellectual property rights and guaranteeing the property rights of technologists and companies are important issues facing inventors. Therefore, international patenting is one of the key steps for entering technological achievements in the global markets. An action that will help develop the market of nearly 6,000 knowledge-based companies and 1,400 creative companies.

In this regard, the Patent Center for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology supports inventors for international patents in reputable international offices by more than 90%.

 So far, the number of grants invented with the support of the association has reached 152. Also, out of a total of 2,111 applications sent to the center, 343 cases were approved in the content evaluation and 300 applications were published in reputable foreign patent offices.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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  • News code : 73370

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