Sattari: Domestic Knowledge-based Companies Will Eliminate the Problems in Provinces
  • Jul 1 2020 - 16:07
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Sattari: Domestic Knowledge-based Companies Will Eliminate the Problems in Provinces

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, attended the fourth meeting of the economy of resistance of the province. During the meeting, Sattari emphasized solving problems in each province through the internal forces.

The vice president for science and technology affairs stated: concepts must be corrected to move toward the knowledge-based economy. Development is one of these concepts, which comes from the inside of each province. There is no magic solve all problems with one move. In fact, various problems and issues are solved by relying on the creative and innovative human resources based on the knowledge-based economy.

Sattari pointed out the high human resource capacity in the country, stating: Iran has been ranked second and third in terms of some indexes of human resources.

He continued: we have never spent this much money on education. We must realize that education is mostly provided to solve people’s problems.

The head of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy asserted that the universities of each province are responsible for solving the province’s problems. In this regard, he added: indigenous knowledge solves the problems of each province, and this localization also occurs in innovation centers, science and technology parks, and knowledge-based companies.

In the field of commercialization, it should be noted that private sector investment is needed. Therefore, the product is the result of private sector investment in research. In this case, we will have a growing environment. Governments have a duty to invest in basic research and infrastructure.

He called for the development of a science and technology park in the province, saying that the park should be a piece of software on the hardware available in the country to transform it. More important than the physical concept of the park is its software concept.

In addition, Arsalan Zare, the governor of Gilan, affirmed: the increasing trend of the number of knowledge-based companies in the province in recent years, the second place of Gilan after Tehran province, indicates the high capacity of Gilan province in the field of knowledge-based technology, which requires national support more than before.

In addition, an agreement was signed by the cultural deputy of economic affairs of Gilan’s governor and the head of the science and technology park to create an innovation factory in the province. In addition, the head of the strategic technologies development headquarter, the executive representative of the project, and the representative of the innovation fund signed the agreement.

The meeting was held in the presence of Arsalan Zare, the governor of Gilan, a number of the representatives of Gilan in the assembly, and some of the technology activists.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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