Memorandum: Solving urban management challenges with the help of technology ecosystem and creative industries; Sattari: Making Tehran smart depends on using the capacity of knowledge-based and creative companies
  • Jul 31 2022 - 10:06
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Memorandum: Solving urban management challenges with the help of technology ecosystem and creative industries; Sattari: Making Tehran smart depends on using the capacity of knowledge-based and creative companies

A joint cooperation memorandum was signed for the maximum use of executive capacities in the development of the technological and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the city of Tehran between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Tehran Municipality.

This memorandum was signed by Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, and Ali Zakani, Mayor of Tehran; Solving the challenges of Tehran's urban management by targeting the ecosystem of innovation, technology and creative industries.

At the signing ceremony of this cooperation memorandum, Sattari pointed out that the cooperation between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Tehran Municipality is very close and said: these two institutions have many issues and topics for cooperation in different fields and can solve urban challenges with the help of knowledge-based and creative companies.

The Vice President of Science and Technology added: Some cooperation between Tehran Municipality and Vice Presidency of Science and Technology at the level of national projects is underway. Projects such as the national subway, the smartening of the city of Tehran and the use and revival of abandoned and unused structures and buildings that are reused in the form of creative and innovative houses and the creation of innovation factories.

Sattari believes that it is a smart city whose municipality acts as an accelerator for business development and fulfills its needs with the help of technology and innovation.

Sattari continued: The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology through the its Strategic Technologies Development Center will emphasize and give a mission to all headquarters to participate in the implementation of the provisions of this memorandum and advance the projects seriously.

The head of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters, referring to the ecosystem of companies and creative industries in the country, said: We must recognize this great capacity and use it to meet the needs and challenges of urban management in various fields.

In the continuation of this meeting, Ali Zakani, the mayor of Tehran, referring to the necessity of developing cooperation between the two sides, said: "The city of Tehran is prone to great changes, and a significant part of these changes will happen depending on the use of technology and relying on knowledge."

He added: It is knowledge and technology that can make Tehran smart. In addition to Tehran's capital identity, we should also give it a technological identity. We should do this by using local scientists and elites so that Tehran becomes a model for other cities.

Cooperation will increase to make Tehran smarter

Developing mutual cooperation and benefiting from executive and expert capacities to promote the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, as well as the need to realize a smart city in Tehran, are the most important goals pursued by the joint memorandum between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and Tehran Municipality.

This memorandum aims to solve the challenges of Tehran's urban management by relying on the ecosystem of innovation and technology and creative industries through the development of innovative areas, the creation of a research and technology fund and the creation of creative and innovative houses, the expansion of knowledge-based production in the city with priority in urban regeneration, creating synergy and convergence was concluded in Tehran Municipality.

The axes of cooperation in the joint memorandum of understanding of the Vice President of Science and Technology and the Tehran Municipality, the use of the financial and executive capacities of the parties to the memorandum in various fields in line with the goals and macro policies of the system in the field of knowledge-based and resistance economy, with the approach of activating investment capacities and leapfrogging production in the country and cooperation for the development of innovation ecosystem and knowledge-based economy.

In this memorandum, the necessary facilitation within the framework of rules and regulations for the approval of laws, regulations, regulations and new legal and legal mechanisms, including the areas of new strategic technologies, knowledge-based, innovation, commercialization of technology and the development of smartness in urban issues in upstream institutions and definition And obtaining permits for the construction of innovation zones and the implementation of smart city pilot projects in Tehran from the relevant institutions is one of the tasks assigned to the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Also, encouraging venture capitalists, benefactors and benefactors of technology, angel investors, investment funds, accelerators, creative and innovation houses, technology structures affiliated with executive bodies and non-governmental public institutions and other actors of the innovation and technology ecosystem to support, attend and invest. Establishing in urban innovation areas and investing in knowledge-based projects is another mission of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in this joint cooperation memorandum.

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