Karami future publishing industry moving towards multimedia prod
  • Sep 5 2021 - 13:23
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Karami: The future of the publishing industry is moving towards multimedia products; Powerful entry of knowledge-based and creative companies into this field

The Secretary of the Soft and Identity Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology considered the entry of knowledge-based companies into the printing industry into this powerful and effective field, despite the fact that it is the beginning of their work.

As the country's printing industry market in Iran is small and limited, we have not been able to take full advantage of the knowledge base; Of course, this does not mean that creative and innovative companies do not see the global printing market and do not think about capturing it. The activity of these technology companies in the printing industry may be at the beginning of the road, however, we are not far behind other countries.

It is said that the history of Iran's printing industry dates back to several thousand years ago and the era of ancient Iran. Where royal decrees had to be stamped and approved, and this was a kind of printing; But the word printing in Persian dates back to the seventh century AH and the reign of the Mongols who brought simple machines for printing paper banknotes to Iran. They learned the industry from the Chinese, who were the inventors of banknotes. But to be more precise, printing in its modern sense has a later history in Iran and dates back to the Safavid dynasty. Among those who traveled to Europe to study military industry, one went to the printing industry according to personal interests and learned it, and on the other hand, the Armenian caliph of Julfa, Isfahan, who had gone there to revolt against the situation of the Armenians in Poland. He encountered the printing industry and, on his return, sent someone to study in the West. However, the date of publication of Iran up and down went through many details.

In the following years, although Iran had a printing industry, many Persian books were published in Lebanon. Lebanon was basically the printing press of all the Arab lands, and today the country is in a state of disarray in the publishing industry. The spread of journalism in Iran made the printing industry more prosperous, and this trend continued until in recent years, the Iranian publishing industry was in crisis for several reasons. In this situation, many resorted to digital publishing of their works, which provided a good opportunity to not interrupt the content production cycle, but nothing will completely replace paper printing. The problems of Iran's publishing industry, from the high cost of paper to the lack of up-to-date printing industrial equipment, include many cases. Sanctions, a lack of attention to the region's exchange capacity in recent years, and weak support for local producers and knowledge-based companies have exacerbated these problems.

By providing a background of the entry of the printing industry into the country and looking at the current situation of the printing industry, the activity of printing house owners, the price of paper and consequently the price of books, etc., we can confirm that the printing industry seems to be in a severe recession. It holds it steady and prevents it from moving forward. In such a situation that the people of the printing industry are struggling with problems such as exchange rate fluctuations and its impact on the price of printing raw materials, lack of parts of printing machines, lack of support from relevant institutions for the activities of the people of print, knowledge-based companies as one of the effective levers Supporting the improvement of the activities of printing activists, reducing the import of paper and raw materials and increasing the export of printed products have always played an effective role in improving the problems of society and sometimes using knowledge processes are the field of action; Because the printing industry, as one of the most important industries in the world, needs more cooperation from universities, technology companies (knowledge-based) and the full support of relevant institutions. On the occasion of September 4, National Printing Industry Day, some of the problems in this field, the role of knowledge-based companies in improving the problems of this industry, the capacity to benefit from the knowledge of creative companies, the need to support knowledge-based companies to develop the publishing process in the country. We have paid attention to the progress of the activities of printing activists and so on. In this regard, we have had a conversation with Parviz Karami, the Secretary of the Soft and Identity Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, which you can read below.

Knowledge-based companies can enter into the discussion of supporting the printing industry

Parviz Karami, Secretary of the Soft and Identity Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, referring to his assessment of the current situation of the printing industry in the country, stated: "When we talk about the printing industry, we mean a diverse firm of software, hardware and raw materials. When we talk about printing, in addition to a large publishing company that actually helps the publishing industry in the country, it should have a scientific discussion and meet the needs of knowledge-based and creative companies in this field. At the same time, our knowledge-based companies can be involved in the discussion of raw materials such as paper and ink, which are among the necessities of this field, and they can also enter the subject of manufacturing new printing machines in the form of knowledge-based technical-engineering companies. Creative companies can also engage in content creation that shape the future of the publishing industry.

He continued: "The future of the publishing industry is moving towards multimedia products, where our future reader becomes acquainted with real three-dimensional or holographic events instead of reading a story text." At the same time, in our country, we should think about the issue of various contents, as well as hardware or so-called advanced and technological devices, as well as the discussion of printing raw materials, which the country is facing shortages in the area.

Karami noted: "Fortunately, knowledge-based companies have entered these areas; Of course, although it is early in their work, but they have had a powerful and effective entry into this important industry. It is noteworthy that we are now moving towards multidimensional platforms that track the author-producer relationship with the reader in the form of sequential content, and we must build the world of the future from now on that will directly change the technology of content production and publishing in the future.

According to the Secretary of the Soft and Identity Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, the growth and development and new innovations have challenged the sustainability of industry and technology. Also, by creating this challenge, the life of technologies is reduced and consequently the life of innovations is increasing day by day.

There is no need for experts in the printing industry

Referring to the capacity of knowledge-based companies to support and play an effective role in the development of the printing industry in the country, he said. Knowledge-based companies are present in markets that are large markets and allow these companies to grow and develop. On the other hand, this need should be demanded by the so-called private sector and the country, and the need for the presence of knowledge-based people should be felt.

 Karami further stated that the country's printing industry is a problematic and challenging industry in the country, and said: "Because the printing industry in the country has a small market and is only within the borders of Iran and does not target international markets, it is challenging." Is accompanied; Therefore, it has a small economy, which has mainly acted on the import base in the discussion of raw materials such as paper, ink and even fixed printing machines.

Knowledge-based and creative companies have the ability to support the printing industry and the development of this field

The Secretary of the Soft and Identity Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology added: "As I mentioned, the printing industry market is small and limited to the internal framework; But if the country wants and wills, knowledge-based companies have the ability to meet the need to produce existing hardware and software and move towards new platforms. Of course, knowledge-based and creative companies started in this industry and did not stop their work because no one asked them. The view of scholars in this field is the view of the future and their activities look beyond borders; Because they have to be able to attract a large and international market for themselves and their activities in order to be able to establish themselves.

Referring to the support of relevant institutions to promote the activities of knowledge-based companies in the field of industry, he said: We have a range of traditional institutions such as the union and printers that focus on the traditional dimension of work; But the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has a technological and innovative view of the publishing industry under the cultural and creative industries, and in this regard, all kinds of support from knowledge-based and creative companies that have entered this field and are trying to reach the borders and border edges. They will have the knowledge in this field.

The importance of the scientific deputy's view on the activity of knowledge-based people in the printing industry

Karami pointed out: Of course, it is necessary to state that the government should not be involved in the implementation, but should play the role of policy maker, facilitator and supporter, and the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology also considers this role to be a guide and supporter. The main facilities that the deputy can provide to knowledge-based companies is that they can benefit from the services of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund and the loans that exist in this field in receiving material facilities.

The Secretary of the Soft and Identity Technologies Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology stated Creative and knowledge-based companies can also take advantage of the facilities provided by the Vice Presidency for more than 110 services. The main issue is that the Vice Presidency's view on the presence of knowledge-based companies in the printing industry is a forward-looking view and supports creative companies in the creative industry ecosystem that can accelerate the frontiers of knowledge in this field and save the country from backwardness in the field of printing. Is, save. The presence of knowledge-based companies in the printing industry is an innovative step; but it is advanced.

Evaluating the activities of knowledge-based companies in the printing industry and the need to create new innovations in this field, he said: To give an example, the presence of knowledge-based and creative companies in the field of publishing is an innovative but advanced work, like the story of the car. If we want to approach the platform of global automakers in the field of ordinary and gasoline cars, the time estimate is between 25 and 30 years, which of course is not a rough path and a problem; It is only time consuming; But in the case of electric and smart cars, our distance from the world may not be even five years, and this is due to the ability and skill of knowledge-based companies in this field. In the field of printing industry, our innovative and knowledge-based companies are not far in terms of knowledge, skill or scientific capability with the current and advanced world, but the need of the market, the emerging market, support, guidance and demand from the market and a set of these requests. It will motivate and maximize the activity of knowledge-based people in the publishing industry.

Karami pointed out: Because the country's printing industry market in Iran is small and limited, we have not been able to take full advantage of the knowledge base; Of course, this does not mean that creative and innovative companies do not see the global printing market and do not think about capturing it. The activity of these technology companies in the printing industry may be at the beginning of the road, but we are not far behind other countries. And we must not give up trying to achieve this.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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