Interaction of knowledge and economy will create the foundations for improved status of Iran on an international level.
  • May 24 2017 - 15:29
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Interaction of knowledge and economy will create the foundations for improved status of Iran on an international level.

Interaction of knowledge and economy will create the foundations for improved status of Iran on an international level.

Vice president for science and technology stated: if we want a dynamic and successful economy, we need to make knowledge, innovation and technology the base of our economy. Conversely, we have to highlight the role of economy in the field of science for scientific development and improvement of status of the country in the world through paying more attention to the private sector for presenting research, creating the culture of business in universities and guiding the youth toward new technological businesses.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, emphasized the importance of promoting the global status of Iran in the field of knowledge-based economy on the 17th ceremony of Shahid Alimohammadi Reward, stating: our government has been after knowledge-based economy from the beginning of its work since this economy is the way to develop our country.

Sattari continued: scientific rank of advanced countries and comparison of their global status in the field of economy are indicative of a direct and close relationship between these two concepts. In other words, the more advancement they made in their science, the more dynamic economy they can provide. In addition, they have involved economy in the field of research and science development.

Head of national elites foundation mentioned the growth of Iran’s scientific status, stating: we can clearly observe the growth and improvement of Iran in the field of science and technology by evaluating the ranking of our scientists’ articles and comparing them to other countries. With one step promotion, we are now ranked fifth in the world in terms of nanotechnology among some of the most developed countries. With the current amount of growth in this regard, it would be no surprise to earn the fourth place by the end of this year.

According to Sattari, excessive growth of the country in science production will create the foundations for improvement and development of the international status of Iran. He emphasized: if we want a dynamic and successful economy, we have to make knowledge, innovation and technology the base of our economy. Conversely, we have to focus on the role of the private sector in the research area, creation of business culture in universities and guidance of the youth to new technological businesses by highlighting the role of economy in enhancement of scientific growth and improvement of status of the country.

The vice president for science and technology affairs reminded that the growth of new business is in line with science production in the country, asserting: startups have had visible growth in the field of science, using creativity, innovation, self-confidence and serious determination of the youth in this regard. Some of the startups have been able to have one thousand percent growth in one year, and less than 10% growth of these startups in one week is indicative of presence of barriers on their path.

On the 17th round of Shahid Alimohammadi Reward Event, which was attended by Mohammad javad Larijani, chairman of fundamental sciences research institute, Vahid Ahmadi, deputy of research of minister of science, technology and innovation, and a number basic science researchers, the top students of the country in the fields of mathematics and physics were rewarded with a scientific award by the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.   

Maryam Shahsiah, a graduate from Isfahan University of Technology, Dr. Naser Golestani, graduated from Tarbiat Modares University were selected as the winners of the mathematic section. In addition, Babak Zare with a PhD in physics from Zanjan Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Mohammad Reza Mohammadi Zafar with a PhD from Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, and Dr. Nasiri were awarded as the top researchers in the field of physics.

The reward of Alimohammadi is given to the winners to honor the scientific and academic services of Shahid Dr. Masoud Alimohammadi, the late professor of Tehran University and the first Iranian with a PhD in physics, especially for his effective role in creation the academic foundation for fundamental science research centers and his endless efforts for establishing higher educations in Iran under this title.

We have improve our role and status in the international arena. By growth of scientific and technological abilities of the country, we can improve our international interactions and global status.


It is noteworthy that the prize of Alimohammadi is given by fundamental sciences research center with the cooperation physics association of Iran every year to selected doctoral dissertations, which are produced inside the country and three years have passes since their defense phase.  

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