Intellectual property market will create the foundations for growth of commercialization of inventions
  • Jul 18 2017 - 15:30
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Sattari among the Inventors of Intellectual Property Market;

Intellectual property market will create the foundations for growth of commercialization of inventions

Intellectual property market will create the foundations for growth of commercialization of inventions

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, vice president for science and technology affairs stated in a meeting with inventors of intellectual property market, stating: new developments have occurred in business environment, and abilities of our human resource is showcased in the form of patents in association of attention to market asset by changing the thinking and cultural structures through a new environment.

President of national elites foundation emphasized the importance of changing the supporting approach for registered inventions and patents, asserting: with regard to unsuccessful experience in this regard, no desired consequence has been obtained and national elites foundation did not succeed in helping the employment of talented individuals and turning patents into products despite spending a great deal of money and providing interest-free loans. Oil-based attitude has created this notion that inventor must directly take money from the government. Meanwhile, achieving the commercialization phase is extremely complicated and financial support is not enough to realize our goals in this field.

According to Sattari, confidence and determination, creativity and ability of human resources are the most important factors in turning a patent into a product and entering it into global markets.

In addition, he stated that determination is a prioritization of this field, and is more important than idea and financial sources to be successful in new businesses. In this regard, he continued: in order to obtain technological businesses, determination and self-confidence of creative human resource are of paramount importance. Therefore, idea and financial challenges are significantly less important. However, there is no proper environment for turning ideas or patents into asset and added value in our country due to complicated structures and legal and governmental interconnections. In addition, reliance on oil-based economy has led to lack of willingness of industries toward innovation and acceptance of patents.

The vice president for science and technology affairs introduced efficient solutions for changing the current structure of the country, including return to land advantages and attention to entrepreneurship traditions of the country.

Sattari pointed out that support mechanisms for patent registration and modification is changing. He continued: there are some problems in mechanism of patent registration in the country, and we hope that with a resolution ratified by the parliament, some of the disadvantages and defects of this process will be eliminated.

Sattari asserted that in a new entrepreneurial environment, the actual value and status of human resource will be found and government employment will not be the only employment solution. He continued: in our new culture, government is not the buyer of patent and creating an appropriate business environment will facilitate the condition for sale of knowledge-based products and simulation of supply in the Vice-Presidency through consolidation of such a culture.

Head of knowledge-based science, economy and technology development headquarter regarded many business problems to be cultural.

He added: in such cultural ecosystems, companies that mainly have creative human resource can create billions of added value in less than two years since the function of technology companies has different structures, compared to large companies.

President of national elites foundation pointed out the creation of support for intellectual capitals and inventions, stating: the new path is not like the previous paths that were based on direct provision of financial supports for elites. In contrast, elites will be entered into the accelerating process for entrepreneurship, recruit of human resource and sale of product in the market through creating knowledge-based companies.

According to Sattari, high amounts of investment (in billion) in knowledge-based companies by organizations and the private sector are indicative of change of direction of the country toward knowledge-based and technology-oriented economy.

Sattari continued: intellectual property market ensures the maintaining of ownership of patents and finding investors for projects. In addition, there is no need for inventors to be involved in the complicated processes of obtaining loans, warranties and establishing a company and their patents can be commercialized and turned into products in the primary stages. On the other hand, industries can meet their own technological needs quickly and with less costs instead of heavy costs for research and development.

Pointing out the support of register of foreign patents by the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, he continued: the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs provides financial supports for the time-consuming and costly process of register of foreign patents, which might take up to four years. However, this action is regarded as a necessity of technology development in the country.

The vice president for science and technology affairs also mentioned the new mechanism applied in Fara Bourse for investment in knowledge-based companies, affirming: venture capitals are seriously being followed up in the area of stock exchange. Today, there are seven venture capital funds, which have entered the process of signing up.

Sattari continued: these funds can facilitate the change of the current business environment of the country and we have witnessed that physical properties were basis of investment up to yesterday, only investing in large industries, such as steel and petrochemistry. Today, they can invest in human properties and have learned the actual value of innovation, creativity and human resource.

The vice president for science and technology affairs also asserted: these companies will bring a new culture to our country, which is required to realize an entrepreneurial environment in the country. Fortunately, companies that have been able to conclude contracts have raised the bar and eliminated the boarders so that investments can increase and our country can benefit from investing in this area.

In the first section of this meeting, six selected inventors and six buyers of these projects represented their perspectives and ideas.


Amir Hamouni, head of stock exchange organization, Reza Kiani, manager of stock research and development, Behzad Soltani, head of innovation and flourishing fund, Alireza Daliri, head of deputy for management development and resources, Parviz Karami, advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs, Mahdi Safarnia, head of Pardis technology park, Akbar Ghanbarpour, head of the national technomart of Iran, and a number of inventors and buyers participated in this meeting. 

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