Innovative food health achievements unveiledSattari rich Iranian
  • Dec 29 2020 - 15:39
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Innovative food health achievements unveiled; Sattari: The rich Iranian culture in the field of nutrition is being revived with local technologies

The technological achievements of the third phase of the comprehensive plan of the country's food health program were unveiled in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology.

The unveiling took place at the Food Health Research Center in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. The center, which has been set up since 2014 with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in 4 phases of 4 years. It is now in its seventh year of operation and its third phase.

As a research and development department, the center has implemented various projects so far, the most important of which could be pointed as to invent and introduce a new method to accelerate the current screening methods of food contaminants based on liquid chromatography and spectroscopy.


Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, pointed out that the food sector is one of the most neglected fields in the country, adding: "We must be able to commercialize the technologies in this field with increasing speed."

He continued by stating that at present Iran has distanced itself from the rich and deep-rooted cultural history in the field of food: for example, the widespread consumption of bread is based on the ecology and culture of this country based on wheat cultivation and the country in thousands of years, A certificate of authenticity has been received in the field of food. The development of food technologies must be based on this rich culture and we must stand to preserve and promote this culture.

Emphasizing that technological requirements in the field of food should be based on the ecosystem of technology and innovation, the head of the Cultural and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters added: "Supporting the Food Innovation Center was one of the steps to increase health and quality." Bread was made and efforts are being made to develop new technologies in this field that are compatible with the millennial and indigenous culture in our country.

The Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that we also have serious dependencies in the field of livestock and poultry industries, which must be severed with firm determination with the help of local technologies, continued: Poultry is one of the fields that have dependencies in technological bottlenecks and These procedures need to be reviewed.

Sattari considered the development of halal food as one of the latent capacities for which knowledge-based companies can create a large market and said: "In this area, large technological projects can be defined that lead to a large market and help companies as a brand."

 The head of the National Elite Foundation noted the role of young and creative graduates in using new technologies to develop the industry.


Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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