Infographic Services Idea Creation
  • Jul 12 2020 - 13:51
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Infographic: Services for Idea Creation

Similar to knowledge-based companies, creative companies receive different services, such as low-interest facilities, financial support of market research, services in the marketing field and financial support to attend domestic exhibitions.

The program of supporting creative companies is being carried out along with the laws to support knowledge-based companies. Today, there are more than 800 creative companies in the country.

Areas such as handicrafts, animation, content production, design, medicinal plants and architecture are among the fields in which creative companies operate. Today, creative companies receive various services from the creative enterprise ecosystem development program.

Some of the services provided to creative companies by the creative enterprises ecology development program include business empowerment services, advertising services, and low-interest facilities.

While there were just a few services available to these companies in the beginning of the program, the number of services provided in this area increased over time. In addition, the level of services provided for the companies increased significantly in 2019 by signing a memorandum of understanding.

A part of services provided to creative companies is presented in the infographic below.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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