Sattari Electronic Capital Market Authentication System Launched
  • Jul 12 2020 - 14:54
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In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs; The Electronic Capital Market Authentication System Is Launched

The electronic capital market authentication system is opened in the capital market in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs. The system will decrease in-person visits of investors for registration and authentication in stock exchange market and will increase clarity in the capital market.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, expressed during the opening ceremony of the electronic capital market authentication system: in recent years, companies with new identities have entered the country's economy. In contrast to their traditional counterparts, new companies have more intellectual and intangible capitals. Facebook bought WhatsApp for more than $30 billion or Uber bought Karim Emirates Co. for more than $3 billion using intangible asset valuation methods.

Sattari continued: 16 knowledge-based companies are completing their admission process to enter the stock market and over-the-counter. Knowledge-based companies see their future in the stock market. Today, various meetings are held by the Vice-Presidency so that knowledge-based companies could learn about the benefits of participating in the capital market. Fortunately, given the various services that knowledge-based companies receive, they have clear accounts and financial statements.

The president of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy pointed out the necessity of focusing on the private sector capital in the innovation ecosystem, asserting: in this area, very significant added value is produced. He called the development of venture capital funds one of the pillars of startup development.

According to Sattari, venture capital development has accelerated in the last year. In addition, crowdfunding will soon be implemented as a new tool for financing micro-projects. Sejam System is a significant system and technology should be helped to develop in this market in line with the general popularity of the capital market.

The president of the national elites foundation expressed: at present, 33 knowledge-based companies with a market value of about 180,000 billion tomans have been accepted in the capital market, and this number is increasing. The activity of several knowledge-based companies in the discussion of the liberalization of justice shares is also a happy phenomenon.

During the ceremony, the infrastructure, electronic authentication in Sejam system and the capital market of Iran were officially opened.

Those interested in working in the capital market must receive a stock exchange code. To receive the scholarship code, applicants had previously submitted their information in person at the counter offices.

The system, which had been piloted for a month, was officially launched during the event.

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  • News code : 68677

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