Human resource is the most important cornerstone of international interactions of Iran.
  • Feb 28 2017 - 12:19
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  • Study time : 6 minute(s)
Meeting of Sattari with Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs;

Human resource is the most important cornerstone of international interactions of Iran.

Human resource is the most important cornerstone of international interactions of Iran.

In meeting with Indonesian coordinating ministry for economic affairs, the president for science and technology affairs stated: in Iran, talented and education human resource is regarded as the most fundamental capital of this country. Today and with more than five million university students, Iran has ranked fourth in the world in terms of training experts in technical and engineering fields. Therefore, our country is recognized as the country with largest human resource in the world.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, visited with Darmin Nasution, Indonesian coordinating minister for economic affairs. During this meeting, Sattari introduced the human resource of our country to be the cornerstone of international interactions of the country, affirming: as the first, fourth and third region in terms of hydrocarbon reserves in the world, as well as gas and oil resources, respectively, Iran is recognized as a country with considerable oil and gas resources in the first glance. However, modern Iran recognizes its talented and educated human resource as the most fundamental capital. Today, there are more than five million university students, leading to the ranking fourth in the world in terms of educated human resource in technical and engineering fields.

Sattari pointed out the suitable infrastructures for cooperation between Iran and Indonesia based on similarities of the two countries, asserting: given the fact that both countries are Muslim, they have deep similarities and their cooperation has a long history. However, this cooperation has been insufficient and more developments can be made in this regard.

The vice president for science and technology affairs marked that one of the interaction of the two countries is cooperation between technology-based companies. He added: currently, more than three hundred knowledge-based companies are active in various fields. In addition, there are 40 science and technology parks, which have revealed a new dimension of economy in the country to be used instead of the previous economic technique. Technology startups is another field introduced by the president of national elites foundation to be an appropriate method for development of cooperation between the countries. He pointed out: new businesses in Iran are significantly growing and we are looking for expanding it and be prepared for more collaborations in the future.

He continued: there were some collaboration between the countries in the past in the aerospace field. Now, we are ready to continue our dialogue with this country to expand more collaboration in this regard.

Creation of a Joint Research Fund

Sattari pointed out that joint investment funds are created to financially support joint science and technology projects so that scientific and technological collaborations between the countries are developed. He claimed: now, there are collaborations with regional countries, such as China, Belarus, Russia and Hungary, in order to create joint funds to financially support joint and research projects. Iran is ready to create a joint investment fund with Indonesia.

The president of national elites foundation expressed that everything is ready for cooperation of Iran in the oil field. He asserted: after joint comprehensive plan of action, the amount of oil production and export has increased two-fold. Meanwhile, a good capacity has been formed for technology collaboration in oil, gas and petrochemical fields due to the flourishing of knowledge-based economy and decrease of reliance on oil revenues and capitals up to 20%.

Capability of Iran in Production and Export of Medications

Sattari explained about the capabilities of Iran in producing medications, such as recombinant products, and introduced it as one of the international cooperation capacities of this country. He mentioned: today and by relying on domestic technical science and scientific abilities of scientists, Iran has been able to produce 98% of the required medications in the country and even import these medications to Russia and some other regional countries. In addition, Iran has the necessary capabilities for joint collaborations in this field, such as creating production lines, factories and knowledge-based companies and export of technical cooperation.

He also recognized this field as one of the powerful fields of Iran, stating: technology of stem cells is one of the fields of Iran with serious plans, which are the necessary perquisites for economic development and reaching a knowledge-based economy based on innovation.

Pointing out the capabilities of Iran in nanotechnology fields and introducing Iran as one of the world leaders, Sattari expressed: more than 300 knowledge-based companies are active in the field of nanotechnology, which has been achieved through strategic planning and basic education. Today, Iran not only exports nanotechnology products, but it is also ranked sixth in the world in terms of providing scientific articles in this regard.
According to Sattari, our country is one of the world leaders regarding the nanotechnology field. He also affirmed: activities of more than 300 knowledge-based companies in the field of nanotechnology and providing nano products have been achieved by strategic planning and basic education of Iran. Today, Iran not only exports nano products, but it is also ranked sixth in the world regarding scientific articles.

In addition, the vice president for science and technology affairs introduced the main mission of governments to be the facilitation and creation of a suitable environment for research and technology-related businesses for researchers and activists in the field of technology. Sattari asserted: while it is possible to publish an article using government capitals, the success of this paper in the market and turning it into a commercialized product will not be observed. Therefore, governments should attempt in creating an appropriate environment for business and research.

Opportunity of Cooperation in New and Oil Energies

During this meeting, Indonesian coordinating minister for economic affairs explained about expansion of interactions in various fields of energy, science and economy with Iran, stating: today, more emphasis has been applied on science and technology progress as driving engine of countries that are looking for development. With this background in mind, we have aimed to create a constructive collaboration with Iran to benefit from available developments in this country in scientific and technological dimensions as a joint cooperation workgroup.

He continued: over the first sixth months of this year, the joint cooperation workgroup of Iran and Indonesia will evaluate various fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, stem cells, medications, as well as technology parks and companies and will introduce a cooperation framework.

Nasution mentioned the previous dialogues in the banking, energy and oil fields and expressed that Indonesia is ready to expand its cooperation in petrochemical and oil projects, as well as economic, renewable and new energies. He also asserted: Indonesia is willing to take advantage of experiences and collaboration capacity of Iran in the mentioned fields.


Deputy minister of energy also pointed out the cooperation between Indonesia and Iran in development of oil industry and purchase, conveying: we are prepared to expand oil fields and oil purchases from Iran. Therefore, we invite the technological companies of Iran to travel to Indonesia and participate in establishment of an oil refinery in this country.
He continued: about one million barrels of raw oil has been purchased from Iran. After finalizing the tests on this material in Indonesian refineries, it is possible to increase oil import into our country. 

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  • News code : 22020


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