Expanding the Scientific and Technological Engagements of Iran and Turkey by Supporting Joint Projects
  • Dec 22 2015 - 20:19
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  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
At the Sattari’s Meeting with the Head of the Higher Education Council of Turkey Was Broached;

Expanding the Scientific and Technological Engagements of Iran and Turkey by Supporting Joint Projects

Expanding the Scientific and Technological Engagements of Iran and Turkey by Supporting Joint Projects

The presidency scientific and technological vice president during meeting with the higher education council of Turkey said: There are vast fields for scientific and technological joint cooperations between the two countries which occur via supporting and facilitating joint projects.

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency scientific and technological vice presidency, Soorena Sattari, the presidency scientific and technological vice president and Yekta Sarash, the head of the higher education council of Turkey met and talked about bilateral scientific, technological and researching cooperation.

The presidency scientific and technological vice president at this meeting by mentioning the widespread capacities for cooperation between the two countries reminded the long history of engagement between the two countries said: Iran and Turkey have a long history of cooperation and based on this, there is a readiness throughly for expanding this cooperation in scientific and technological fields.

The Chairman of the board of the directors of the fund of supporting the researchers and technologists of the country, by mentioning the necessity of supporting bilateral researching projects, informed about the Iran’s readiness for researching cooperation in the form of joint project and said: The scientific vice presidency is ready to provide this cooperation in the form of a joint cooperation committee and based on this committee, supports the defined researching and technological projects at this committee.

The vice chairman of the board of the directors of the fund of innovation and efflorescence considered an important part of the scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries in the various researching and technology fields and added: Creating a joint fund for supplying the credit of the joint researching and investigating projects can provide the base of materializing the useful and effective cooperation in the form of joint researches.

In the following, the head of the higher education council of Turkey mentioned the Turkey’s full readiness for educating, researching, scientific and technological cooperation with Iran and said: In order to form this cooperation, a series of serious and special engagement are needed from which the inter university engagement is one of the most important ones. However, this issue should be done by effective engagement between the Universities and just Universities can lead such engagement to an effective activity.


He evaluated this meeting positive and useful and hoped that this meeting can be the founder of useful and splay relations between the two countries in all of the academic, technological and researching fields. 

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  • News code : 11075


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