Dehghani: The youth of the population is channelized by "innovation" and "opportunity creation".
  • May 28 2023 - 09:38
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Dehghani: The youth of the population is channelized by "innovation" and "opportunity creation".

Population, Health and Family Innovation Center named "Positive Five" was opened with the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the opening ceremony of the Positive Five Population, Health and Family Innovation Center, continued by pointing out that the realization of the population youth strategy requires various criteria, and benefiting from innovation is one of the most important criteria. Wherever there is a problem that cannot be solved by conventional methods, innovation comes to the fore. In this sense, innovation centers are a platform for providing solutions and solving problems that plague the society and cannot be solved by legal and usual methods. This is where innovative capabilities, brainware, along with technological tools and capabilities draw a new way and method. The youth of the population is also an important issue that requires innovative solutions

The head of the National Elites Foundation, emphasizing the use of all capacities to preserve and protect the country's young and vibrant human capital, said: Now that we are benefiting from the blessing of the young population, we must have serious planning for the coming years. This complex issue has many areas and requires the adoption of different approaches. The existence of intellectual, cultural, livelihood motivations play a strategic role in this field, including the fact that the mental state and feelings of people are good. A person should also feel that the livelihood infrastructure and the possibility of meeting their needs are available.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that the issue of the youth of the population should be taken into account in the macro dimensions and the field of governance, stated: the realization of the youth of the population at the level of governance requires serious attention, and in this field, it is necessary to modify approaches and adopt strategies We are innovative on a large scale. It should be considered how a working man or woman is supported as a mother or father. We also need a layer of support in the field of thought and beliefs.

Referring to the key role of innovation and creating opportunities in the cultural and intellectual flow of the youth category of the population, Dehghani said: Although the creation of this innovation center will not lead to immediate and rapid change in the youth of the population, I believe that if this center works properly, we will witness real streamlining in this field.

Positive Five Population, Health and Family Innovation Center by the 15 Khordad Foundation of the Executive Headquarters of the Order of Hazrat Imam (RA) and with the support of the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, with the approach of providing knowledge-based and creative services and products to families, creating grounds and incentives Fertility, consulting services in the field of family health, hygiene and nutrition have been put into operation with the establishment of about 20 innovative teams.

One of the goals of setting up this center is to create a synergistic platform for utilizing the capacities of the technological and innovation ecosystem in order to help the youth of the population.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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