Dehghani Firouzabadi at the meeting of elites and top scientific talents with leadership: We are pursuing the realization of the knowledge-based economy on the implementation in the national innovation system.
  • Oct 19 2022 - 11:45
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  • Study time : 10 minute(s)

Dehghani Firouzabadi at the meeting of elites and top scientific talents with leadership: We are pursuing the realization of the knowledge-based economy on the implementation in the national innovation system.

In a gathering of elites and top scientific talents, the acting vice president of science and technology emphasized that we must use the flow of elites and innovation to realize a knowledge-based economy.

Referring to the publication of an article in the Nature magazine, Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, acting vice president of science and technology, said in this ceremony: The magazine is one of the two most prestigious scientific magazines in the world, and in the fields of science and technology, it publishes articles and analyzes at the highest level. In May 2005, the magazine published an article titled "Iran's Great Parade". It is stated in the first part of the article. Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, who plays a very effective role in the country's policies, is seriously involved in science and wants his country to progress towards self-sufficiency in all scientific fields.

Dehghani Firouzabadi added: The call has resonated in Iran's small scientific community, a society that is well aware of its scientific history and the background of its scientific achievements. In the continuation of the analysis, the effects of this macro-policy are discussed, and as the conclusion of the note that the scientific authority in Iran is being rebuilt, except with more political unrest and sanctions.

The Acting Vice-President of Science and Technology continued: Well, the issue of the article is enmity with Iran's progress and authority, and their target is Iran's supreme leader, the scientific community and the country's universities, scientific self-sufficiency and Iran's scientific historical background, which should be used as tools of enmity between them, as the chaos and sanctions will put a distance.

Addressing the Supreme Leader, he said: "Certainly, your elite children will foil the enemy's plans with full insight, avoiding marginalization, focusing and intensifying the jihad movement in reaching the peaks of science and technology, for the complete acquisition of the knowledge-based resistance economy."

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: The National Elites Foundation and Vice Presidency of Science and Technology was established by your initiative and based on the law for protection of knowledge-based companies and institutions and commercialization of innovations and inventions, approved by the Islamic Council in 2010. Service managers also worked with compassion and effort in the past years to shape the infrastructure of the country's technology and innovation ecosystem based on the development of knowledge-based companies. What we are witnessing today is that attention to science and technology has been formed as a national discourse in all devices, thanks to your continuous emphasis and follow-up.

Pointing out that the national discourse is the beginning of the work and we must reach a national belief in this field, the acting vice president of science and technology stated: It is expected that when we start the year with the goal of knowledge-based and job-creating production, it can be based on the leap law of knowledge-based production, which was approved this year in the parliament, will witness a new perspective with management and planning in the vice presidency of science and technology. In the new term for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, we are looking for the realization of knowledge-based resistance economy management on the implementation of the national innovation system in all elements and processes of the country.

The beginning of value production with thoughts

He continued: The leap law for knowledge-based production has created many capacities that the vice presidency of science and technology should be based on this law, as the representative of the president, in the position of coordinator and supporter, strategic monitoring and follow-up and evaluation of the performance of all institutions of the country for the implementation of the national innovation system.

Dehghani Firouzabadi added: Value production starts with thought. The next circle is knowledge, then technology, then innovation and production, and finally market and value. We believe that the platform for the growth of thought is the think that should produce wisdom, and the platform for the growth of knowledge is the wisdom-based universities that produce knowledge.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology also stated: The platform for the growth of knowledge-based technology producing partners and the platform for the development of innovation and production are also the basic technology industries that market innovative products and services. Currently, we have good think universities and knowledge-based companies in the country, which are developing day by day, and we must protect these national treasures well.

He considered the last link of this chain to be innovative industries or technology-based industries and said: This sector is the missing link, which if based on the capacities of knowledge-based leap law; Let's focus on their revival and creation, a good part of knowledge-based economy chains will be formed. This is the place where, according to you, reduction of production costs is achieved together with the increase of productivity.

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: National market is national honor. If the consumption market of government apparatuses, ministries and large industries is provided to the national producer with a plan and without compliments and with strictness on irregular imports, at the same price as they are bought from abroad, even in a limited period of time, this chain It will be formed and the country's big devices will be activated as the biggest consumers of the products of knowledge-based companies. Here, the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology will undertake the implementation of the maximum quality programs of knowledge-based products and services in cooperation with the country's standard organization with strictness and seriousness.

Creating a real technology production market leads to attracting funds

He further stated: The effort is to develop a support program by defining the three signs of innovative or technology-based industry, technological or knowledge-based companies and Hekmat Bonyan University and redefining the laws for each of these areas separately and according to their own affairs. Today, 13 years have passed since the implementation of the first knowledge-based law, and we have experienced and learned many issues, and we need movements and programs with much longer horizons using the capacities of the production leap law.

According to Dehghani Firouzabadi, if the condition for an industry to be technology-based is to cooperate with knowledge-based networks and the condition for a company to be knowledge-based is to cooperate with the university and scientific network of the country, the flow of work will flow from the market to universities and think tanks and in their middle circles.

He continued: With this plan, when the real market for technology production is formed in the country, due to its significant added value compared to other markets, the flow of private and public capital will automatically be directed towards it. Many Iranian elites abroad, who have gained experience during their years in other countries, will be interested in returning to the country or even working in the same countries to solve the country's problems.

Iranian elites are a great national opportunity for the country

Acting Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that the borders of dear Iran are in the hearts of all those who live in the far corners of the world. Many elites who live in other countries and have stayed there due to their living and working conditions, raising families, etc., are interested in creating knowledge-based companies even there and serving their country. Iranian elites are a great national opportunity for Iran.

He added: The next issue that I should mention is the issue of useful technology is that, what should own the assessment of knowledge bases is not necessarily the complexity of the technology; with the same characteristics that we describe for useful science, all technologies that are wealth-creating or power-creating in a new country are considered knowledge-based activities.

According to Dehghani Firouzabadi, with this definition and its support, elite currents are directed towards the creation of knowledge-based companies in the fields of agriculture, mining, household industries, and so on, which have been less discussed so far, and their effects are directly in the economy and will be felt in people's lives.

He added: For example, many of the equipment and innovations needed by the country in the fields of agriculture and housing may not be complicated compared to power-creating industries such as nuclear and aerospace, but in terms of serious impact on food security and in the true sense of the word technology will be beneficial in people's lives.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology also said: When we take possession of the economy and a significant share of the gross national product, we must pay attention to the main requirements of its guarantee, financing and insurance. Therefore, it is necessary to create a large specialized insurance industry in the country to guarantee the use and performance of knowledge-based products. This service will not leave the excuse of being unknown and possible damages for not using the knowledge-based product.

Dehghani Firouzabadi pointed out that restructuring, strengthening and increasing credit up to at least 3 billion dollars in the first stage is necessary for the Innovation and Prosperity Fund as a specialized bank of the country's innovation system, and said: development of sustainable financing models using new financial technologies, private large capitals as well as people's micro-capitals should be put on the agenda seriously.

He continued: I present to you in writing the other operational strategies proposed for the realization of knowledge-based resistance economy in 34 axes, which have been compiled with the opinion and consultation of managers, elites and experts in this field.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology pointed out that in the past years, the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has been developing legal mechanisms and infrastructure for interaction with knowledge-based and creative companies, and said: Meanwhile; The National Elites Foundation has always been connected to the flow of professors and students to discover and identify top talents in universities.

Dehghani Firouzabadi expressed the hope that the complete coordination of these two groups in a clear process can draw a course for the formation of elite cores around prominent professors in the foundation and guide them to the formation of new knowledge-based companies for support in the vice presidency of science and technology.

He added: The elite cores of professors, which are the subject of special emphasis by His Highness, and each of them will be the seed of the growth for a prestigious knowledge-based company. In the way of promoting the mission of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology to what I stated at the beginning, honoring and actively identifying the talents of the country instead of self-declaration methods which are generally inappropriate, as well as planning for empowering and training rulers and elite expert managers as the only ones who can Let the elites manage as a main solution for the promotion and excellence of governance will be given special attention in the country.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology said: I believe that this year, great attention will be paid to knowledge-based and job-creating production as the basis for the formation of a resistance economy, and this attention and naming will last for several years until the goal of His Highness's attention and support is reached.

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