Cultural attachment, the need to introduce and develop technological achievements
  • Oct 9 2023 - 11:40
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Dehghani emphasized in the gathering of Iran's cultural advisors

Cultural attachment, the need to introduce and develop technological achievements

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and a group of cultural advisers of Iran in neighboring countries attended the House of Technology and Innovation of Iran, while visiting the technological achievements of knowledge-based and creative companies, and discussed about creating export opportunities and introducing these products to other countries.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in this meeting, the capacities, opportunities, solutions and how to introduce Iranian knowledge-based, creative and cultural products in other countries and the development of the export of these products were discussed and exchanged.

Referring to the role of culture in the development for the export of knowledge-based and creative products, Ruhollah Dehghani said: there was a strong reason to attend this meeting. The high importance of the issue of culture and the role of cultural consultants in introducing the products and services of knowledge-based companies and creative industries necessitated this meeting and discussion.

He stated that the extent of technological and creative capacities and capabilities of knowledge-based and creative companies is such that it is not possible to present and introduce all these achievements under the roof of the House of Innovation and Technology of Iran (iHit), and said: Soon next to this house innovation, a fully digital innovation house will be provided to introduce knowledge-based capacities that cannot be offered in the physical space.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that one of the strategies followed in international trips is to introduce the technological and creative achievements of Iran, and said: Some of the officials and deputies of the countries to which we are going to visit have been sent by the Center for International Interactions to House of Innovation and Technology (iHit) invited and closely familiarized with Iran's capability in the field of technology and creative industries of Iran; What is presented and introduced in this exhibition is a small part of the knowledge-based jihad and the fruit of the emphasis and orders of the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution to maintain the flow of knowledge and technology development with the support and growth of knowledge-based and creative companies.

Referring to the scope and scope of high influence of science and technology as a common language among all countries, Dehghani stated: With the language of science and technology, you can talk to all countries of the world, and literature is common and popular in all countries of the world. It seems that in the Islamic Republic, there is no more powerful tool available than technology to talk to the world and advance the public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic.

Referring to the discourse of science and technology as one of the axes of the international interactions of the people's government, he said: in all the trips that the honorable president has to other countries, the technological capabilities of Iran and valuable Iranian knowledge-based products are one of the main axes of dialogues and cooperation; On the other hand, the passion and motivation and interest of these countries can be seen to use Iranian technological experiences and knowledge-based products.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated: Culture, as cultural beliefs, is an immaterial and embodied entity consisting of a set of beliefs, expectations and thoughts, but to transfer culture, we need to benefit from the capabilities of technology and knowledge-based products. It is said that a product or technology transmits culture to every country it goes to and it reminds us of the importance of cultural attachment. When we talk about technologies of communication information, health and hygiene, artificial intelligence and other fields of technology, along with all these achievements, we should imagine a cultural connection. When an Iranian product enters a country, regardless of whether it is cultural or technological, it also transfers a culture to the host country. For example, when an anti-cancer drug goes to a country, it conveys the image and belief of Iran's capabilities to that country, which shows the importance of cultural attachment in the field of technology.

Emphasizing that cultural tools should be used for the development and promotion of knowledge and technology, he pointed to the role of cultural advisors in introducing this capability and added: Cultural advisors with their potential capacities and abilities can be in the field of technology export development. And this cultural transfer plays an important and strategic role.

Referring to the support of the process of introducing Iran's technological and creative achievements to other countries, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy added: We are ready to take advantage of the capabilities and capacity of cultural consultants in this direction, and we have the support of this process on the agenda. The opportunities for cooperation and introduction of Iran's technology culture in this way are countless, and every Iranian cultural office in other countries can act as a technology export corridor.

Dehghani continued: We are ready to support the consultants who play a role in the introduction of these achievements by using the existing capacities and in the center of international interactions of science and technology. There are countless knowledge-based and creative achievements that can be introduced, and in one example, we have only four thousand products in the nano field, which according to experts, we are ahead of the technological capabilities of many claimant countries in the nano field.

He added: By defining culture and technology packages with the interaction between cultural consultants and the center of international science and technology interactions, these achievements can be introduced to other countries through cultural consultation and in the form of a unique identity that comes from the intersection of culture and technology and form packages, spread culture and technology at the same time.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: the field of creative industries and cultural technologies can be a very good platform and source for playing the role of cultural consultants in the field of introducing the country's products and achievements; This introduction will not be limited to the field of creative industries, and in other fields of technology, such as health and mining, and other fields, there is an opportunity to introduce Iran's knowledge-based and technological achievements.

The role of Iranian cultural consultants in introducing and developing the export of knowledge-based and creative products

Amirhossein Mirabadi, head of the Center for International Science and Technology Interactions, also in this visit and conversation, referring to the position and ability of Iran's cultural consultants in introducing the technological and creative achievements of Iranian knowledge-based companies to other countries, said: more than 9,000 knowledge-based companies play a role in the country's economy. Some of these companies offer their products to international markets or have export capacity. In this exhibition, some of the latest achievements of these companies are presented, and this visit creates an opportunity for joint dialogue and development of technological cooperation to develop the export of knowledge-based products.

Explaining the achievements of the Made in Iran House of Technology and Innovation, he said: The space of iHit and the achievements presented in this exhibition is a good showcase of the technological and innovative capabilities of the country's knowledge-based companies, technology and creative industries, which with the help of the capacity and capability of cultural consultants in Understanding the needs and tastes of other countries can provide the basis for the export of these products as much as possible.

In this meeting and visit, 23 cultural advisers of Iran in neighboring countries, while visiting and observing the technological capabilities of Iranian knowledge-based companies, emphasized the readiness and capacity to introduce these capabilities to the host countries.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94070

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