Creative Companies Receive 50 Percent Discount Lab Services
  • Jul 29 2020 - 15:11
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Creative Companies Will Receive 50 Percent Discount on Lab Services

The secretary of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy stated: in line with the discount plans of the strategic technologies laboratory network, creative companies have been added to the list and will be able to receive 50% discount on lab services.

Parviz Karami, the secretary of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy, pointed out the allocation of 40 million Rials of credit to creative companies, adding: the discount will be provided to services in the fields of engineering, mechanics, materials and metallurgy, electrical and electronics, chemistry, aerospace, mining, environment, agriculture and medicinal plants, biotechnology and medicine, pharmacy, stem cells, tissue engineering, cognitive sciences and brain, crafts, and food.

According to Karami, these services have no purpose other than to increase the satisfaction of people and industries with laboratory services. Discount plans help to increase the quality of these services in the country.

According to Karami, these discounts have so far included students, professors, researchers, knowledge-based companies, academics, members of the National Elite Foundation, and anyone else who deals with these services in any way.

The strategic technologies laboratory network is a platform to share lab devices and provide lab services.

Supporting the quantitative development and improving the quality of laboratory services in the country is another goal of forming this network.

The strategic technologies lab services’ customers club has been established to facilitate service provision. This center has provided various discounts for faculty members, students, knowledge-based companies and industries of the country.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


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  • News code : 69118

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