Confirmation of 40 patents for international registration
  • Oct 21 2017 - 16:35
  • 439
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Performed by the Patent Association of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs:

Confirmation of 40 patents for international registration

Confirmation of 40 patents for international registration

Manager of patent association announced the confirmation of 40 patents for international registration in the first six months of the year, so that one of the prerequisites for entering knowledge-based products in international markets, which is protection of intellectual property rights, is performed.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Mahdi Zeyghami, manager of patent association, stated about the statistics of international registration of patents by this organization: 140 requests have been received by this association in the first six months of the year. In the end, 40 requests were confirmed after evaluation.

Zeyghami continued: the confirmed requests are introduced to brokerages of patent registration. In addition, the requests are assessed based on standard models of patent registration office of America and Europe to increase the chance of granting the requests in the patent registration office of America or other offices.

According to this report, one of the most important prerequisites and necessities for enter of knowledge-based products in international markets is ensuring of the protection of intellectual property rights and proof of ownership by technologists and companies. Therefore, intellectual property systems, especially the system of patent registration, have been formed for official registration of these achievements and acquiring individuals’ ownership of their innovations and initiatives in different countries. Disregard of intellectual property law in the international market can cause a lot of damage, including disclosure of technology in the target market or prosecution from competitors and manufacturers of similar products.


One of the most important missions of Iran patent association is support of registration of patents in international patent registration offices. On the other hand, some benefits of patent registration include lack of disclosure of valuable results from research by knowledge-based companies and student theses in the form of articles and helping the commercialization of research achievements of researchers and scientific and industrial elites.

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  • News code : 28173


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