Commercialization is a process that needs the general participation and cooperation
  • Feb 26 2019 - 15:35
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  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Sattari in Travel to Qazvin Province;

Commercialization is a process that needs the general participation and cooperation

Commercialization is a process that needs the general participation and cooperation

According the vice president for science and technology affairs, the commercialization process is a topic that demands the cooperation of community sections. The mission of the government in this path is paving the way and culture-building to increase the cooperation of the private sector in this area.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, traveled to Qazvin and expressed during the visit of knowledge-based companies: we have more than 4200 knowledge-based companies that had a sales record of 60 thousand billion tomans last year and will have a considerable sales rate this year. The initiator of this move was the youth who used their creativity to create jobs and wealth. We hope that this move is associated with the same intensity it had in the beginning.

Sattari reminded: the importance of the presence of the youth in the new movement of the economy shows the necessity of considering these individuals as the base of this economy. More than 60% of companies are new and are classified as startups that have been recently established. We have many companies that have a sales rate of several thousand billion tomans and this important phenomenon has transformed the former structures.

Sattari pointed out that commercialization is a comprehensive process and requires the cooperation of all society sections, expressing: all of us are a part of this process. Science and technology parks, universities, research centers, and people on the street and market are a part of the commercialization process. The culture created in this area is important in the role playing of the private sector in the process. As the government, we have attempted to take steps toward the promotion of this culture and paving the way for the presence of the private sector.

Visit of Technology Units

The vice president for science and technology affairs went to Caspian and Alborz industrial towns to visit the technological and knowledge-based companies based in these regions.

The vice president visited the companies of Pouya, producer of financial equipment and electronic devices (ATM machines), passenger exchange ATM, and Zarpardaz, special for gold coins, Azad Filter Co., domestic producer of industrial machineries, and Parsa Polymer, producer of advanced polymer compounds, and talked with their activists.


He also visited Nounelsaz Knowledge-based Co., producer of tunnel drilling equipment. This knowledge-based company creates tunnels that can have many applications, such as transferring water pipes or transferring roads with the native expertise of the country.

These machineries have been localized in all stages of design and prototype production in the country by the Iranian experts. The new type of the tunnel drilling machineries with a diameter of nine meters is now one of the abilities of our experts, which is not only used for domestic needs, but also is exported to other countries.

Sattari also went to Alborz Industrial Town to visit, Alborz Micro System, a knowledge-based company that produces industrial automation systems, and Farafan, a knowledge-based company that is active in the field of production of medical equipment, such as operating beds (mechanical and electromechanical), Spirometer, and other equipment.

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  • News code : 42587


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