4 technological projects unveiled field water Sattari way get ri
  • Jun 12 2021 - 14:27
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4 technological projects were unveiled in the field of water; Sattari: The way to get rid of the water crisis in the country is to use local and Iranian-made technologies

"This is the only way that can save Iran from the water crisis," said the Vice President of Science and Technology at the unveiling ceremony of Iran's technological plans for the construction of the water basin.

In the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, Seyed Javad Sadati-Nejad, Chairman of the Agriculture Commission in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, Nader Gholi Ebrahimi, Secretary of the Water and Drought Working Group and Parviz Karami, Secretary of the Culture and Knowledge-based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, 4 Technical projects were unveiled including “localization of silicon carbide ceramic membrane "," Localization of camera with specific temperature separation ranges in the range of 8 thousand to 14 thousand and 200 "," Development of technical knowledge and localization of brackets and cages for fish farming in the sea "and" Drinking water supply in rural areas of Aliabad " , Arabi and Haj Noshad of Bushehr Province using the "reverse electrodialysis (EDR) desalination device" which was developed with the support of the Vice President for Science and Technology.

At the ceremony, the Vice President of Science and Technology, noting that technology has penetrated the water sector, said: "The existing capacities of the country in the field of water are high, which with proper use of these technologies can reduce its consumption in the country and new water resources were also identified.

Sattari added: "In the field of applying new technologies in this field, we have a historical backwardness that we must fill this gap." Because Iran is in a special geographical and climatic environment. We must seek the use of new technologies for the development of water in the country.

The head of the specialized working group on water, drought, erosion and environment, stating that Iran has good access to the open waters and the Caspian Sea, said: "Unfortunately, we do not use this God-given capacity properly." We should try to take seawater desalination technologies seriously and use them to develop water in the country.

The Vice President of Science and Technology believes that we should use local roads and domestic technologies to solve the problem of water shortage in the country and use seawater for drinking water. For example, the use of reverse electrodialysis (EDR) desalination device is one of the local methods that is used to supply fresh water in Bushehr region and is unique in the world.

The head of the National Elite Foundation, referring to the change in the method of overflow of indigenous technologies to the military sector of the country, said: "In the past, the overflow of applied technologies in the military field reached other sectors; But today, the technologies of other parts and industries are being injected into the military sector. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and more.

Sattari also stated: Iran has a high capacity in the field of fisheries, but we do not use this power and blessing well. Of course, the localization of brackets and cages for fish farming at sea was a positive step that was taken in this area, and this event is the result of trust in the ability of young people and their knowledge. In this area, with the help of the Fisheries Organization and the Ministry of Jihad for Agriculture, we have good projects underway.

 Referring to the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology for companies active in the field of fish farming in cages, the vice president of science and technology said: "Any company that can enter the field of completing the technology chain of fish systems in cages from the beginning to the end of this chain is fully supported by the vice president." Science and technology will be the presidency.

He also said: "There are many plans and projects in this field in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, and today we witnessed the unveiling of 4 of them, and other plans will be concluded soon."

Seyyed Javad Sadati Nejad, Chairman of the Agriculture Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, also said at the ceremony: "Dr. Sattari has seriously entered the field of science and technology and has promoted his position in this field." His efforts made people feel and experience the results of the efforts of universities and students in their daily lives.

 Nader Gholi Ebrahimi, Secretary of the Water, Drought, Erosion and Environment Working Group of the Vice President for Science and Technology, referring to the activities of knowledge-based companies, said: "Currently, 221 knowledge-based companies have entered the field of water, drought, erosion and environment. 324 products have been produced.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology in the field of water continued: "Other measures in this field include" development of technology for the application of composite products in the drilling industry, creation of in-well pump (ESP) production technology "and its localization, creation of deep drilling rig production technology "Proportionate to water resources", "Creating an innovation zone in the field of deep water resources identification" and "Implementation of pilot projects in the field of desalination, geothermal energy, breeding of plant and animal species in the innovation zone."

The technology and innovation ecosystem that has flourished in recent years seeks to remind those involved in the economic fields, managers and officials of the country to trust and rely on the ability and specialized knowledge of the country's youth and scientific leaders. Knowledge that paved the way for the country during the years of sanctions and threats and was a correct and principled response to economic and technological needs.

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