17 Specialized Zones in the 6th Rabe Rashidi Innovation and Technology Exhibition
  • Oct 10 2018 - 18:56
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17 Specialized Zones in the 6th Rabe Rashidi Innovation and Technology Exhibition

17 Specialized Zones in the 6th Rabe Rashidi Innovation and Technology Exhibition

The 6th innovation and technology exhibition of Rabe Rashidi (RINOTEX 2018), which will be held by the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, consists of 17 specialized zones, each encompassing several scientific activity branches of the country.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the 6th innovation and technology exhibition of Rabe Rashidi (RINOTEX 2018) encompasses 17 specialized zones, including the topics of agriculture and biology innovation and technology, energy (renewable energies and electricity) innovation and technology, oil, gas and petrochemical innovation and technology, clothing and textiles innovation and technology, water innovation and technology, medical engineering, convergent and cognitive sciences innovation and technology, nano innovation and technology, communication, and electronics and microelectronics innovation and technology.

Other specialized zones of the event include automotive industry innovation and technology, information and communication innovation and technology, food industry innovation and technology, medication, health and cosmetics innovation and technology, advanced materials, composite and building materials innovation and technology, soft and identity-making (cultural and creative industries) innovation and technology, research and technological activities of students, defense industries, educational and skill technologies and smart city.

Energy Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics include renewable energies and dispersed production, thermal solar energy, environment energy, bio-mass and biological fuels, wind energy, geothermal energy, water power plant, power plant equipment, transfer and distribution network equipment, smart management of electricity networks, smart networks, and storage methods.

Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Innovation and Technology

In this area, the main topics are heat exchangers, catalysts, reactor design, nanotechnology in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, modeling and simulation, drilling and related equipment, reservoirs, storage methods, process control, industrial furnaces, design and construction of internal and upstream and downstream tools and machinery, gasoline, oil, bitumen and all kinds of industrial lubricants.

Biology and Agriculture Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics include animal sciences, poultry and veterinary, fisheries and aquatic sciences, agricultural sciences, soil sciences, genetic engineering and plant breeding, medicinal plants, gardening and landscaping, and beekeeping.

Other topics are biotechnology engineering and agricultural mechanization, pests, diseases and weeds, post-harvest production, nanotechnology and biotechnology in agricultural sciences, forest and rangeland, biotechnology, genetic correction, animal and human genetics, human, animal, plant, molecular, and microorganism cell bank, molecular techniques, systematic and biodiversity, genetic and biological reserves, and bacteria.

Clothing and Textile Innovation and Technology

In this area, the main topics are natural and artificial textile fibers, dyeing of fibers and textiles, special fabrics required in various industries, printing and designing of fabrics, fashion design and clothing, textile machinery technology, new technologies in the carpet industry, and technologies in textile dyeing wastewater treatment systems.

Water Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics include installations and equipment for water and wastewater, pumps and reservoirs, flow meters, valves, pipes and fittings, manholes, intelligent installations (structures, automation, instrumentation, refinery and sewage network), axis of water transmission lines and water pumping stations, optimization and maintenance of the system, maintenance and repair of the lines, the axis of the water distribution network, the management of consumption and optimization, the hydraulic network, maintenance, repairs, accidents and events, the axis of collecting lines and sewage pumping stations, methods for removing odors and optimizing and improving the operation of the lines, rehabilitation of sewage systems, water resources axis, maintaining and improving quality water resources, new technologies in this regard, modeling, artificial nutrition and identify resource-based water and wastewater treatment.

Generally, this section has two subcategories of water and wastewater refinement. Water refinement deals with improvement of water quality and new water treatment technologies. The subcategory of wastewater refinement include extraction of energy, modern technologies of sewage treatment, wastewater and sludge and use of them, improvement of the status of sewage systems and their repair and rehabilitation, inertial and HSE management, irrigation and drainage, hydro structures, water development and hydrological models.

Medical Engineering, Cognitive and Convergent Sciences Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics include bioelectric, monitoring systems, medical and dental laboratory and therapeutic systems, processing of vital signals, processing of medical and dental images, clinical engineering, biomechanics of biological fluids, reconstructive tissue and medical engineering, modeling of biological systems, artificial organs and rehabilitation equipment.

Other topics of this field are speech therapy, nerve engineering and rehabilitation, engineering of pharmaceutical systems, biomechanics of exercise, biomaterials; bioprinters, nanobiosensors, nanobiotics, brain and computer interactions, cognitive psychology, cognitive rehabilitation, artificial intelligence and cognitive modeling, clinical neurology, qualitative improvement of human health, physical ability of humans, development of human perception and communication, clinical neurology, and mind, brain, education.

Nano Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics are nano biotechnology, nanomaterials and composites, nanostructures, nanophysics, photonics and nanoelectronics, nanoscience, nanocommunication, nanotechnology modeling, nanosciences, nanotechnology in medicine and pharmacy, nanotechnology in industry.

Information, Electronics and Microelectronics Innovation and Technology

In this area, the main topics are electrical engineering (electronics, power, control and telecommunication), optoelectronics; lasers, design of analogue and digital integrated circuits, humanoid robots, rescuer robots, industrial robots, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS), simulator design simulators driving and flying, design of educational devices, intelligent building management systems (BMS), cryptography, industrial automation, design of power applications, fault tolerance systems, and mobile application design.

Automotive Industry and Spare Creation Innovation and Technology

In this area, the main topics include design of automotive dynamic systems, vehicle structure and body, automotive driving force, energy conversion, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, suspension systems, brakes, steering, and secondary car accessories such as sport racing.

Information and Communication Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics are E-government, smart city, e-commerce, information security, network and hardware, content creation and multimedia systems, mobile, optical, satellite and wireless communications, programming, IT systems management, spatial technology, cloud computing, and intelligent systems.

Food, Medicine, and Cosmetics Innovation and Technology

In this area, the main topics include biotechnology and pharmaceutical nanotechnology, food safety and safety, providing new solutions in packaging and distribution of products, types of holders, new formulations of food, types of herbal medicines, peptide and protein monoclonal antibodies, supplements, herbal remedies, cosmetic products and sanitary products.

Advanced Materials, Composites, Construction Materials and Road Construction Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics are composite structures, modeling and simulation, emerging applications, intelligent materials, integration of traditional and modern industries, nano and biocomposites, natural fibers, self-healing materials, metallurgy and materials, ceramic and metal composites, structures, earthquakes, new alloys, refractories, biochemicals, electro-ceramics, modern, green and standard materials for construction and construction, modern technologies and equipment in building and road construction, the use of modern technologies during the reconstruction phase (building and road construction) after natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.), health, safety, durability and environment in building and road construction, intelligent, intelligent, against unhealthy human and natural incidents, and lightweight, green and earthquake-resistant stones.

Soft and Identity-making (Industrial and Creative Industries) Innovation and Technology

In this field, the main topics include visual arts and crafts, artistic artifacts, animation, educational, scientific and cultural entertainment, conceptualization, multimedia software, production, promotion, promotion and trade of cultural goods, illustrated books, tourism, computer games, creative digital and cultural services, and digital contents.

Smart City

In this section, the main topics are intelligent citizen and society, smart transportation, smart health, smart infrastructure, smart business, intelligent education, intelligent safety and security, smart buildings and smart economy.

Education and Skill Technologies

In this area, the main topics include promoting skills training with a work-based learning approach, institutionalizing the culture of work and entrepreneurship, training skills in raising the level of employment, new teaching aids, utilizing the appropriate infrastructure in enhancing graduates" scientific and managerial capacities and transferring new technologies, the principles of dual, new principles for human resources training in realizing the country"s economic orientations, and virtual education and educational simulators.

Defense Industries

In the final section of the event, the most important topics are defense capabilities, future requirements, outsourcing research and research (collaboration with technology and knowledge companies), interaction between VEDJA and armed forces, and identification of capacities.

The exhibition will also focus on student research and technology activities, in which innovation and student technologies will be presented at the level of East Azarbaijan.

Similar to previous years, the 6th Rabe Rashidi Innovation and Technology Exhibition is divided into four sections: technological ideas, technology development and commercialization, sales of knowledgeable products, and technological requirements. The objectives of this event are to help commercialize technology, completing the cycle of science, technology and technology to business, identify and introduce technological innovations and inventions, knowledge-based initiatives and ideas, introduce technologies and set up for the application of research capabilities.

Other goals of the event include the technological requirements of institutions, production facilities and services, the establishment of the relationship between academics and technologists with different economic and executive sectors, the expansion of regional, national and international technology cooperation, the creation of a suitable business space for the scientific and technological elites, the formation of knowledge-based companies, attracting investors ( domestic and foreign) for investment opportunities for knowledge-based individuals as well as increasing exports of knowledgeable products and services.

The 6th RINOTEX 2018 will be held November 1st-5th, 2018 in the international exhibition of Tabriz. Registration has been extended to October 22nd 2018.

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  • News code : 38509


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