9 national technology master plans unveiled Sattari country beco
  • Aug 1 2021 - 15:37
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9 national technology master plans were unveiled; Sattari: The country has become one of the top manufacturers of made in Iran laboratory equipment with a successful model of commercialization

Nine national technology plans were unveiled in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology to meet the country's need for a number of technological and strategic products.

The Iranian House of Innovation and Technology (ihit) hosted technology and knowledge-based companies that, with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, succeeded in commercializing products that are being made in the country for the first time and have high technological complexity and strategic importance.

These products in the field of medical equipment, agriculture, energy are supported by the National Center for Macro-Projects in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and meet the needs of the country. These products were unveiled in the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, in order to take a step towards self-sufficiency and meet the strategic needs of the country with the help of Iranian equipment and products.

Sattari praised the universities and centers that supported Made in Iran products and added: "Today, knowledge-based companies producing advanced Iran-made laboratory equipment have been able to build devices, some of which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and while meeting the country's technological needs, They are considered technological products.

Sattari considered the support of Iran Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment and Materials as a step towards creating culture and promoting this capability among students.

 The Vice President of Science and Technology called the strategy implemented at the Center for National Macro-Projects a successful model for other sectors in supporting and commercializing complex technologies and self-sufficiency in strategic products.

He considered the use of made in Iran truck X-rays in customs as a successful example of this interaction between the supply and demand side of technology with the facilitation and bedrock of the government.

In another part of the meeting, Peyman Salehi, Deputy of Innovation and Commercialization, Technology in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, referring to the dynamic and up-to-date roadmap of the country's priority macro-technological projects, said: It is constantly updated. In this regard, projects that are produced for the first time in the country and there is a serious and strategic need for them, are supported and reached the final stage by the private or public sector operator.

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