Sattari Stated about the Unveiling a National Macro Plan:
Wave of “innovative businesses” will transform large industries.
Wave of “innovative businesses” will transform large industries.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, vice president for science and technology affairs, pointed out the important step taken by automotive industry of the country in application of new technologies in unveiling ceremony of the national macro plan of “powerful electric powertrain 3 cylinders Euro 6”: transfer of technical knowledge and localization of this technology is a valuable international exchange. Fortunately, this achievement occured after the Vienna meeting with authorities of Austria held with the cooperation of ministry of industry, mine and commerce and environmental protection agency.
Sattari mentioned the support of these national projects in the field of new technologies by the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, adding: this project was carried out to create the foundations for enhancing and developing technology and taking steps toward advancement of automotive industry. In this regard, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs will support other technologies projects, such as intelligent automotive and projects that will lay the foundations for entering of new technologies in industries.
The vice president for science and technology affairs talked about the role of innovative and technological businesses in creation of evolution in industry: startups can create the foundations for evolutions in various industries due to their dynamic and innovative nature.
Sattari pointed out the formation of infrastructures and necessary culture buildings for role-playing of these businesses, affirming: there may be some challenges in the first few days due to legal, cultural and social structures of the country, interactions and following up related organizations paved the way for realization of technological projects.
Moreover, Sattari expressed that this macro project will create the foundations for creation of a technological cooperative infrastructure, adding: currently, the domestic industrial environment has undergone some changes, compared to the past few years. In addition, our automotive industry has aimed to create research centers to increase accuracy and spend appropriate amount of budgets to optimize and increase the quality of products with the use of new technologies.
The vice president for science and technology affairs regarded moving toward technology to be inevitable, stating: lack of moving toward this attitude will lead to failure in close competition between our industry and advanced foreign industries. As a result, we must move toward innovation and creativity in our first prioritized large industries, such as automotive industry. Otherwise, presenting car models based on needs and interest of customers will not be possible.
According to Sattari, alignment with the evolution of technology is the solution for continuous growth in this regard.
President of Iran national science foundation expressed that the future of automotive industry must wait for such evolution, affirming: in the past few years, large automotive industries had no notion about expansive influence and growth of intelligent and electric cars. However, the development of the automotive industry indicated that from the companies that closely compete in this area, those who act in line with technological advancements and adjust to change of generations will be successful.
The vice president for science and technology affairs referred to inevitable alignment of automobile and machine tool industries with this path, stating: technology has penetrated the area of equipment production, which has been used by domestic automotive companies.
President of national environment organization also regarded the production of national engine with Euro 6 standard as an effective step toward the use of new technologies to preserve the environment and reduce pollutions.
Hamid Nematzadeh, minister of industry, mine and commerce expressed that one of the benefits of this project is preserving of the environment and use of technological abilities of knowledge-based companies.
During this ceremony, engine of low-consumption family created based on Euro 6 standard was unveiled in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs, minister of industry, mine and commerce and president of national environment organization.
According to this report, production of a low-consumption single-cylinder engine based on pollution standard of Euro 6 with mean horsepower of 75-122 is concluded with the cooperation of large companies that produce car pieces and the most valid engine design company of the world in the form of a national and innovative macro plan.