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With the Cooperation of Stem Cells Technologies Development Headquarter;

The third symposium on immune cell therapy in cancer will be held

The third symposium on immune cell therapy in cancer will be held

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the third symposium on immune cell therapy in cancer will be held with the cooperation of stem cells technologies development headquarter, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and Cell Tech Pharmed Company. This symposium will be held on March 1st 2018 in the martyr hall of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in the presence of prominent domestic and foreign lecturers.

Arash Alghasi, scientific secretary of the third symposium on immune cell therapy in cancer, stated: immune cell therapy is a new science in treatment of cancers, which has come to aid the conventional treatments. The latest advancements in the world has made the promise that many of the patients, who were not completed treated by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery, can use the immune therapy method.

According to Alghasi, some of the topics of this symposium include treatment of cancer with iPS, evaluation of the latest findings on CAR T Cell technology in treatment, applications of gene therapy in treatment of cancer, treatment using NK engineered cells, treatment using CAR T cells and treatment applying DC cells.

Furthermore, Khodadadi, head of the third symposium on immune cell therapy in cancer, expressed: with regard to the advancements made in the area of cell therapy and immune cell therapy over the past years and passing from the clinical stages and inventing some treatment methods for cancer diseases, providing information in research areas for enthusiasts and experts of this field can lay the foundation for transcendental communication to progress the treatment goals relying on cell therapy.

In addition to mentioning the fact that inviting foreign lecturers and presence of active centers in this field can create the infrastructure for communications with research centers of the country with the foreign centers, he announced: along with this symposium, the workshop of CAR T Cell Therapy and DC Therapy will be held February 28th 2018.


The third symposium on immune cell therapy in cancer will be held February 29th 2018 in Martyr hall of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in the presence of prominent domestic and foreign lecturers with the support of stem cells technologies development headquarter, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and Cell Tech Pharmed Knowledge-based Company. 

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 30288


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