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In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs and Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare;

The national digital entrepreneurship foundation is opened

The national digital entrepreneurship foundation is opened

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the national digital entrepreneurship foundation was opened in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Mohammad Shariatmadari, minister of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, and Parviz Hanachi, the mayor of Tehran.

This is the first entity and reference for digital content businesses, establish to improve activities in this field. Digital content-based businesses are growing at the center, with a synergy of actors and key activists in the field. In addition, its activity is driving the boom of digital content creation and entrepreneurship. The center was set up with the support of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare.

The national digital entrepreneurship foundation is like an umbrella that covers all players and activists of the field and helps reinforce knowledge-based companies and technologists in order to provide a suitable domestic and international market. In this center, activity of four mega projects of “Gigoole.com”, “Iran 360”, “Baluch Box”, and “Duzelfone” will be started and extended to the country’s level.

The Story of Great Entrepreneurs Starts from a Small Environment

During the opening ceremony of the center, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, expressed that the entrepreneurship story of all startups, from Google and Microsoft, to domestic startups such as Digikala and Tap30, adding: all of them started their activities in an underground small place. This shows that the development of work stages must be passed to expand activities and create a successful business.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter pointed out to Farsi Language, stating: the ninth Internet language belongs to Iran despite the fact that we have no population-related advantages. Aparat has Farsi language and is among the top 100 most viewed websites. Therefore, this local region is a place for development of Farsi language.

The Thinking behind Innovation Dominates the Country"s Industry

Mohammad Shariatmadari, the minister of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, mentioned that the thinking behind innovation has dominated the owners of old factories. In this regard, he continued: the demand for factories has started with this kind of thinking, and there is an increasing number of people looking at the business with a technological and innovative look.

Proper Measures Are Taken to Develop the Innovation Ecosystem

In addition, Pirouz Hanachi, the mayor of Tehran, who also attended the opening ceremony of the national digital entrepreneurship foundation, affirmed: today, we can easily talk about the development of knowledge-based businesses in different fields owing to the activities of the vice president for science and technology affairs.

The mayor of Tehran continued: with the measures taken and support provided by the Vice-Presidency in different fields, proper measures have been taken to develop the innovation ecosystem and benefit from it in the urban management control section.

Six Cooperation Agreements Are Signed

Another part of the event was signing six cooperation agreements on the development of activities businesses in the field of digital content.

One of these agreements entitled “cooperation on development of the digital content entrepreneurship ecosystem” was signed by Parviz Karami, the secretary of knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, Esmaeil Ghaderifar, the head of the strategic technologies development center, Isa Mansouri, the deputy for development and occupation of the ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, and Abdolhossein Abolhasani, the CEO of national digital entrepreneurship foundation.

Supporting the development of digital content businesses and creating synergy and cooperation between the public and private sectors in the form of a joint program among the Vice-Presidency, the ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, and the national digital entrepreneurship foundation is one of the goals of this joint agreement. Development of the ecosystem for digital content technological businesses through the formation and expansion of digital content innovation centers and accelerators are among the topics of the agreement. In addition, promotion of knowledge-based economy and formation and updating the ecosystem for digital content businesses and performing entrepreneurial events are among the other topics of the agreement.

In addition, the symbol of national digital entrepreneurship foundation was unveiled in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Mohammad Shariatmadari, the minister of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, and Pirouz Hanachi, the mayor of Tehran.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters
  • News code : 47139


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