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Sattari on Inauguration of the Knowledge-based Business Club:

The capital will be turned into “an innovative region”

The capital will be turned into “an innovative region”

The vice president for science and technology affairs stated: formation of a suitable knowledge-based business environment around Sharif University of Industry and other parts of Tehran will turn this region into “an innovative area” by flourishing of creativity in young and educated human resources.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, attended the opening ceremony of the knowledge-based business club, during which he pointed out that providing a proper knowledge-based and startup ecosystem and prioritization of creating the necessary infrastructures for knowledge-based and startup companies will lead to the optimal use of the abandoned placed of the city with the cooperation of the municipality of Tehran in order to base these businesses.

He continued: positive steps have been taken in this area so that the formation of this ecosystem and development of startup areas in Tehran would turn it into a technology region as the capital of the country.

A Successful Model for Booming of Knowledge-based and Startup Businesses around Universities

Sattari regarded the formation of knowledge-based and startup businesses around top universities, including Sharif University of Industry, as the successful model for the development of a proper ecosystem for knowledge-based businesses, expressing that this area has been recognized as a brand and is successful model for changing the physical environment to the benefit of innovation and technology, in a way that today, there are more than 450 companies in the innovation region of Sharif, generating added value.

He continued: according to this model, universities must acquire a part of their income from the location of development of knowledge-based companies and startups and academic entrepreneurs by supporting the innovation ecosystem.

Necessity of Formation of a Proper Knowledge-based and Startup Business Environment

President of the knowledge-based economy and culture building development headquarter emphasizing the moving toward the promotion of the idea of creating innovative factories in the country, continuing: currently, an innovation region has been created around Sharif University of Industry, which provide facilities to knowledge-based and startup companies in the form of software.

The vice president for science and technology affairs considered the significant capacity of the young and educated human resources as the potential for the promotion of culture of science and technology park.

Sattari also mentioned the program of the Vice-Presidency for providing support services to creative companies, expressing: knowledge-based companies can properly use the facilities of support law of these companies. However, there is a great number of companies that are creative and innovative but lack the complexity of knowledge-based enterprises. Academic graduates are recruited by these companies and will be supported by the Vice-Presidency to develop creative companies.

Creation of a Foundation for the Development of Knowledge-based Businesses

According to this report, the knowledge-based business club, which is formed by the investment of the private sector, cooperation of science and technology park of Sharif University of Industry and infrastructural support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, has established an ecosystem around Sharif University of Industry to provide the necessary space for the presence of the private sector, venture capitals, and owners of innovative businesses and ideas to provide knowledge-based and startup businesses.

Formation of an active infrastructure in line with the development of new businesses, creation of a center for holding technological events, support of growing companies and helping the development of technological investment space and presence of industries are among the goals of this center.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 37312


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