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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Aug 26 2019 - 23:54
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Sattari on Opening Ceremony of Neonatal Pulmonary Surfactant Drug:

The Vice-Presidency will support the entrance of companies into knowledge-based field of food chain.

The Vice-Presidency will support the entrance of companies into knowledge-based field of food chain.


Pointing out that the knowledge-based field of food chain is a strategic field in all countries, the vice president for science and technology affairs stated no weapon could be used if we cannot produce food in the country. In this regard, he continued: the knowledge-based area of food chain is an applicable and unique field in the country, and most knowledge-based companies and accelerators must move toward this area.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, attended the unveiling ceremony of neonatal pulmonary surfactant drug on the first days of week of government.

Expressing that today’s food supply chain does not have the complications of the pharmaceutical area but has higher value added and the country extremely needs this field, Sattari mentioned: for the next two years, the remaining 5% of the country"s drug and raw materials needs will be met with the plans of the Vice-Presidency. However, the knowledge-based chain of food has been neglected and needs more attention.

Support of Entrance of Knowledge-based Companies to Food Area by the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs

Sattari also pointed out that the food supply area is an applicable and unique field in the country, adding: knowledge-based companies and accelerators must move toward this area. The field must be strongly developed and the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs supports the presence of knowledge-based companies in the field.

Mentioning that the food area does not have the complications of the pharmaceutical area, Sattari affirmed: however, this area has higher added value and the country extremely needs this area.

He also asserted: we have serious dependency in the food knowledge field. We are even manufacturing poultry and meat by depending on imports of one-day-old chickens, as well as their foods and vaccines.

The president for national elites foundation motivated all active companies in the field of human biotech to enter the field of poultry, livestock and fishery, stating: livestock, poultry and aquaculture are highly valued and the country needs a great deal.

The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out the production of neonatal pulmonary surfactant drug, expressing: there has been a lot of effort in the production of this drug in the country, and the production of such a drug is not easy at all and has a lot of technological complexity.

Sattari continued: we seek to create the innovation and technology ecosystem, which means that the idea of a researcher is connected to the market with the help of accelerators and investors.

The president of the national elites foundation regarded the development model of the drug to be as fully compatible with that of the developed countries, considering it essential for the development of new pharmaceutical technologies.

He emphasized at the end: government funding does not result in product but we must produce technological products with the help of researchers and the private sector. Government money can only be used to supply the necessary infrastructures.

Iran Must be Equipped with the Weapon of New Medical Technologies

Mohammad Reza Mokhber, the head of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, stated: much of the world"s future depends on biotechnology. In fact, there is no definite boundary between sciences today.

He added: by the year 2050, more than one hundred diseases will emerge in the world, the key to combat with which is the development of new pharmaceutical technologies.

According to Mokhber, advanced technologies aim to create an ethnic apartheid and most emerging diseases in the future are aimed at developing countries that need to be equipped with the weapons of the development of new pharmaceutical technologies.

He continued: future fights have aimed the health of human being. We must prepare ourselves for diseases, which is only possible by relying on the ability of Iranian youth and excerpts.

Mokhber also pointed out 100% production of the neonatal pulmonary surfactant drug in the country, asserting: knowledge-based companies have been formed with the support of the Vice-Presidency and has had a considerable turnover in the economy of Iran. In fact, the Vice-Presidency supports any idea that is related to the society’s problems and can eliminate them.


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