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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Dec 29 2020 - 15:34
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The President ordered that all necessary measures be taken to establish innovation factories in the provinces

The president instructed all governors to speed up their efforts to establish innovation factories in their provinces.

Hojjat-ul-Islam President Hassan Rouhani, after receiving the "report on the measures taken to set up an innovation factory in Kermanshah province", while praising the governor of this province, emphasized that "other governors have taken all necessary measures to establish an innovation factory." "And accelerate their activities in this area."

 Since the opening of the first Azadi Innovation Factory in Tehran, as the first and largest center for accelerators and start-ups in the Middle East and North Africa, creating jobs for about 3,500 educated youth in the presence of the President on November 5, 1998 and ordering Relevant officials to establish similar factories throughout the provinces of the country, we are witnessing the beginning of executive operations and the subsequent opening of a chain of these factories throughout the country.


According to the report, the Vice President of Science and Technology has set up innovation factories in the country to develop the technology, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. Factories that have been created in abandoned and unused urban buildings in the heart of big cities and have become a place for the growth and development of innovative and technological ideas of the creative and scientific youth of the country.

These factories have been created locally according to the provincial and regional capabilities. One of the goals in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is to focus on the optimization of abandoned urban areas instead of spending limited government resources on creating new spaces. The important thing in this project is to use the empty capacities of cities to develop technology.

 With the efforts of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, about 600 square meters of abandoned spaces have been improved and renovated and given to companies and startups. Innovation factories are built on successful global experiences. At present, except for the provinces of Tehran, Khorasan Razavi and Kermanshah, where the innovation factory has reached the operation stage, in 11 other provincial centers, innovation factories are being opened or built.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, quoting from the government's website

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 72232

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